På sajten Cdon säljs munskydd till kraftiga rabatter. Men de rekommenderade priserna är ofta skyhöga och kan vara flera år gamla, visar SVT:s granskning.

Tydliga regler

På Konsumentverket har man mottagit 275 anmälningar om vilseledande marknadsföring under pandemin. Myndigheten vill inte uttala sig om annonserna på Cdon, men påpekar att det finns tydliga regler för rekommenderade priser.

- Even if it is not a regular sale, the price marketing must not be misleading.

It must be clear how this price reduction has been calculated.

If the consumer does not understand what you earn from the discount, it could be misleading marketing, says Maria Nilsson, lawyer at the Swedish Consumer Agency.

The recommended price must be a price that has been applied to the market before and must not be something that the seller has invented himself.

- If you are unsure whether a price is as good as it really is produced, you should check the price development of a product.

There are several comparison sites where you can see how the price has changed over time.