"Blood red on the stock market", "Then comes the big stock market crash" and "History speaks for a continued stock market fall".

How should you, as a young small saver, act according to Monday's headlines?

It depends on what savings horizon you have, according to Arturo Arques, private economist at Swedbank.

- The winners are those who save regularly and long-term, the losers are those who need the money in the near future.

But they would have thought of it earlier, he says.

"Located in the nature of things"

Normally, the stock market moves by an average of one percent, plus or minus, daily.

Over three percent in any direction is a lot, but not uncommon.

- If you do not tolerate this type of movement, you should not be in the stock market, because they are in the nature of things.

At the same time, he emphasizes the importance of taking the opportunity to review his portfolio right now.

- Find out your willingness to take risks, your financial advisor can help you with that.

The second thing you should do is translate your risk appetite into an appropriate distribution between equities and fixed income funds.

That distribution determines your future return and risk by up to 95 percent.

Then you can review the selection, ie which industries you choose to invest in.

Then you should sell

Har man precis gått in med kapital på börsen och ligger minus sedan dess ska man fundera på förutsättningarna som låg till grund för beslutet att köpa aktierna. Är de oförändrade och din sparhorisont lång ska du inte påverkas av kortsiktiga rörelser. Risken att värdet minskat efter sju till åtta år är liten.

– Men om ny information omkullkastar förutsättningarna ska du sälja. Det är bättre att ta en liten förlust än en stor, säger Arques.