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However, from the perspective of nutrient composition analysis, these nutrients of radish are not prominent in vegetables.

  For example, the vitamin C content in green peppers per 100 grams is more than 60 mg, and the dietary fiber in peas per 100 grams is also much richer than that of radishes.

  In general, radish can be used as a vegetable that provides a variety of nutritional sources for humans, but there is nothing special about it.

  Is eating radish better than ginseng in winter?

  In fact, it was because there were few vegetables in the winter before.

  There are many health legends about radishes in the folk. For example, some people say that radishes are "little ginseng", "eat radishes in winter and eat ginger in summer, do not ask the doctor to prescribe medicines", "radish is on the market, the doctor is fine" and so on.

Do radishes really have such a magical effect?

  It is good to eat radish in winter. I think an important reason for these sayings is that there were fewer vegetables in the past winter. As a very cold-resistant vegetable, radish is also one of the few vegetables that people can eat in winter.

In ancient times, fresh radishes could be eaten in the long winter, which was very helpful for people to supplement nutrition, especially vitamin C.

Therefore, at that time, people would think that eating radishes in winter is good.

  However, in modern times, with the development of food technology, especially the advancement of cold chain, fruit and vegetable storage, and fruit and vegetable planting technology, we can eat a variety of vegetables and fruits all year round, and the role of radishes is not. So amazing.

  In fact, although radish has its own nutritional advantages, it does not have any special ingredients. The nutrients contained in radish are found in many fruits and vegetables, and are also very common. You can also get them by eating other fruits and vegetables.

  Moreover, if you are really sick, you cannot achieve the therapeutic effect simply by eating several nutrients provided by radish.

  The real treatment of the disease still needs to be diagnosed, symptomatic, and effective treatment of the cause, so as not to delay the disease and ensure the health of the body.

  Are there anticancer factors in radishes?

  Not yet fully proven in humans

  Scientists have also discovered some potentially healthy ingredients from radishes.

For example, in recent years, many media reports have mentioned an anti-cancer factor - sulforaphane, glucosinolate, etc.

  Some studies have found that these substances have "anti-oxidant" and "anti-cancer" effects, but most of them are found in cell and animal experiments, but there is not enough evidence in the human body. too early.

  In general, judging from the current research evidence, although radishes are delicious, they really have no special health care effects. Everyone should not be too superstitious. If you are sick, you should see a doctor in time.

  Of course, if you like to eat radishes, I still support it.

After all, the basic idea of ​​nutritional health lies in dietary variety and balanced nutrition.

As a vegetable, radishes can also enrich our diets and are good for increasing food variety and balance.

  Text / Ruan Guangfeng (Director of Science and Technology Department of Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center)