Siffrorna som Brå presenterar omfattar alla händelser som anmäldes och registrerades hos brottsutredande myndigheter under 2021. Sammanlagt rör det sig om 1,47 miljoner brottsanmälningar förra året, en minskning med 84 800 (5 procent) jämfört med 2020.

Among the crime categories where the number of reports decreased the most are theft and assault crimes.

For example, the number of reported burglary cases decreased sharply by 22 percent, while the number of robberies decreased by 17 percent and the number of bicycle thefts decreased by 16 percent.

Fraud prevention is another category where the number of reports decreased.

There, the number of card frauds is the single largest reduction by as much as 31 percent from 2020.

The number of harassment is increasing

Although the total number of notifications decreased, there are still categories where the number has increased.

In the category of crimes against persons, for example, reports increased by two percent, according to Brå.

There, reports of sexual harassment were the largest increase, with 11 percent compared to 2020.

An increase was also seen when it comes to the number of reported rapes.

A total of 9,240 notifications were made, which is an increase of four percent.

In terms of rapes against women over the age of 18, however, the increase was all the greater: 12 percent compared with 2020.

At the same time, the increase does not apply to all reports of crimes against persons.

The number of reported rapes against children, for example, decreased by six percent.

The number of assault offenses also decreased, albeit only marginally by one percent.