The Social Democrats

S does not want Sweden to join NATO.

However, the party is in favor of Swedish participation in peacekeeping operations organized by NATO and NATO's various exercise concepts such as the NATO Response Force (NRF).

Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson has also stated that she wants to deepen the partnership with NATO.

The Sweden Democrats

SD does not want Sweden to join NATO without first holding a referendum.

On the other hand, the party wants to see a so-called NATO option similar to the one in Finland.

“A NATO option means that Sweden maintains the opportunity to apply for membership in NATO if security in our immediate vicinity should suddenly deteriorate.

It also means that Sweden harmonises its security policy with Finland, which is positive for increased defense cooperation between the countries ", the party writes in a response to SVT.

The Moderates

M wants Sweden to be a member of NATO, among other things to strengthen the country's security and to be allowed to sit at the table when decisions that affect Swedish security are made.

M also wants Sweden to introduce a NATO option "which shows that Sweden is keeping the door open for applying for membership."

The Left Party

V is for freedom of alliance and says no to a Swedish NATO membership.

The party wants Sweden's security and defense policy to be decided without outside influence and believes that a membership risks leading to rearmament and a deteriorating security situation in Sweden and the outside world.

Center Party

C wants Sweden to join NATO.

“Sweden decides for itself whether we will join, but strives for co-operation with Finland on membership.

The Center Party also wants Sweden to state a NATO option in its security policy line ", the party writes in a response to SVT.

The Christian Democrats

KD believes that Sweden belongs to NATO and believes that the alliance for the western world is the main guarantor of peace, security and military capability.

"We cannot on our own secure our security in a situation where our borders and interests are threatened by a military superpower.

Security must be built together with others and both the EU and NATO are necessary to maintain democracy and independence in Europe ", the party justifies its line.

The Green Party

MP says no and wants Sweden to continue to be non-aligned.

According to the party, this increases the opportunities for dialogue, acting as a peace broker and thus contributing to relaxation.

The Liberals

L continues to be positive about membership.

"For over 20 years, the Liberals have fought for a Swedish membership in NATO.

It ensures peace and freedom together with other countries that have defended free Europe since the end of World War II.

Today, security is created in alliances, not in non-alliances.

Sweden neither should nor can isolate itself from the outside world ", L justifies his line in the NATO issue.