Aino Mellin Svanqvist is 70 years old and lives with her husband.

She receives visits from the home care service several times a day, but since 2016 they have been able to ignore the fit of her medication times.

It takes care of the medicine robot, which she received via the municipality.

See how it works for Aino in the clip above.

Less stress

In Arvika, the pharmaceutical robots are more common than elsewhere.

There are about fifty placed here in the homes and the assistant nurse Jenny Alfredsson thinks that they work well.

In addition, they reduce stress for staff, she thinks.

- We work with people and never know what we will encounter when we open the door to them.

If someone needs medication at a certain time, then it becomes a stress, when we feel that we have to be there, with it instead.

If they have a robot, they get the medicine for the time they need it, so we can come later and help with breakfast or shower or whatever it may be, says Jenny Alfredsson.