Sometimes we as a newsroom want to stay longer on a topic than we usually do to do a review or an in-depth study.

Last year, we examined, for example, how the regional director Alf Jönsson hid that he had been invited to dinner by a company that was waiting to be informed of a major assignment from the region.

We also revealed garden companies that defrauded Scanian municipalities and private individuals in large sums and that the social services in Malmö paid rent for illegal housing.

That is why we need to stop and go deep

Much of our mission is about fast news reporting.

It is absolutely crucial and we know that you in the audience appreciate it.

That reporting needs to be supplemented with more in-depth and slower work to gain an increased understanding of our time.

SVT makes such investments around the country.

This autumn and winter, SVT Nyheter Helsingborg has spent several months investigating the problem of indebtedness and dived deep into the municipality in Skåne where the largest percentage of people are indebted, Perstorp.

Meet the people behind the statistics

Today we start our publication.

You will meet Elaine Gustafsson, Bill Lundberg, Kenneth Kjellberg and his daughter Novalie.

These are the people behind the bailiff's statistics.

You are welcome to contact our reporters Minna Korsgren and Gustaf Wallinder if you have ideas or tips on further news about indebtedness.