As the saying goes, if you can't bear it, you will make a big plan.

It may make sense in other ways, but it is a big mistake in the prevention and treatment of chronic pain.

Chronic pain brings harm to people's body and mind and lowers the quality of life. However, because it occurs slowly, it is easy to be ignored by people, or feel that tolerance will pass. This is the biggest misunderstanding and may bring serious consequences.

In particular, these five types of pain cannot be ignored, and they will cause serious illnesses.

  Chronic headache

  Everyone feels unbearable for the sudden severe headache and will go to the hospital for examination immediately.

However, many people disagree with chronic headaches and think it is a minor problem.

There are also many patients who have undergone X-ray, CT and even MRI examinations without abnormalities, so they just ignore it.

  Actually, this is quite wrong.

Chronic headaches lasting more than one month must be actively treated.

Chronic headache will not only affect the quality of life, cause upset, insomnia, etc., but also reduce the body's resistance, low body responsiveness and emergency response ability, and even affect the body's multi-system organ function.

  The "WHO Blue Book" points out that controlling migraines can increase global GDP by two to three percentage points.

It can be seen that headaches can still affect the national economy and people's livelihood.

  Stiff neck and shoulder

  Stiffness or pain in the neck and shoulders is usually caused by keeping the neck and shoulders in one position for a long time without paying attention to activities.

  Nowadays, people often sit in front of the computer for a day and lack of activities. There are still many people who keep their mobile phones in their hands every day and always look down at the mobile phones. These people often have neck and shoulder stiffness. Long-term bad habits may cause the cervical spine to gradually age and degenerate. .

  When a herniated disc oppresses the spinal cord or bone hyperplasia oppresses nerves and blood vessels, severe neuralgia, dizziness, and mobility impairments occur, surgery may be necessary to solve them, and sometimes surgery can not completely improve the serious symptoms. At this time, It's too late to regret.

  In addition, it should be noted that neck and shoulder pain may not only be a problem of the cervical spine, but the nerve reflex area of ​​the heart may also be projected to the neck and shoulders. Therefore, cervical spine pain should also be actively checked and must not be careless to prevent neglect and cause life-threatening.

  Chronic back pain

  The most common is lumbar muscle strain, and most people's attitude towards it is dragging to death.

Lumbar muscle strain is a well-known waist disease, but it is actually a chronic waist strain.

It is mainly caused by two reasons. One is the failure of timely and reasonable treatment after acute lumbar sprain, resulting in the formation of chronic psoas muscle traumatic scars and adhesions, which weaken the strength of the psoas muscles and produce low back pain.

  Another reason is the accumulation of long-term, cumulative small waist trauma, such as repairmen who work in sitting positions for a long time and often operate in non-physiological positions, as well as watchmakers and typists who work in fixed positions for a long time.

In addition, some workers who need to bend over, if they don't pay attention to their posture and strengthen the back muscles, they may have accumulated waist injury and cause lumbar muscle strain.

  Long-term low back pain will eventually lead to dysfunction of the spine stabilization system, accelerated spinal deformation, and later may develop into irreversible and severe nerve compression, leading to intolerable low back pain and radiating pain of the lower limbs, and even affecting the function of urination and defecation and loss of part or all Action ability.

  Post-herpes neuralgia

  After one month of herpes zoster, there is still pain left over. We call it neuralgia after herpes zoster.

  There are many manifestations of this kind of pain, but most of them are spontaneous or induced pain. There are often needle sticks, knife cuts, burning, insect bites, slight touch, wind, contact with clothes or small changes in temperature may induce pain. It hurts to make people feel that "life is better than death."

  If actively treated, most of the sequelae neuralgia will gradually improve, but if you don’t pay attention to it, sitting and waiting for the pain to disappear, waiting for the vicious circle of herpes zoster pain to involve and erode the spinal dorsal root ganglia and even the spinal dorsal horn, it may be very stubborn. The severe neuralgia has serious consequences.

  Long-term severe pain can lead to depression, mania and other mental and psychological diseases, so that patients gradually enter the vicious circle of "pain-self-tension and loss of life ability-pain aggravation".

  Diabetic peripheral neuralgia

  Diabetes patients have numbness in their hands and feet, like putting on a hand (sock) sleeve, or a needle-like sensation. When encountering this kind of pain, it may be diabetes complicated by peripheral nerve damage.

  If this kind of neuralgia occurs, if you pay enough attention to it, closely monitor the blood sugar level, and actively treat it, the endocrinologist and the pain doctor may cooperate to control its progress and even gradually relieve the condition.

  However, if it has not been paid enough attention and allowed to develop, the later neuropathy will worsen, and neuropathic pain will appear, which means that the patient’s protective sensory dysfunction, severe sensory loss, despair and powerlessness, can even lead to Depression seriously affects the quality of life of patients.

  Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is known to be one of the main risk factors for the formation of foot ulcers in diabetic patients. Patients at high risk of foot ulcers may eventually lead to infection gangrene, and patients will eventually have their limbs amputated.

  ▌Yue Jianning, deputy chief physician of the Department of Pain, Xuanwu Hospital, Capital Medical University