Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 202219h46, January 06, 2022

Historically Vôtre brings together 3 ladies who had a dog, and even several: the fantastic Peggy Guggenheim who said to be "not an art collector, but a museum" who collected works of contemporary art, men ... and dogs Also ! Then Queen Victoria who loved spending time with her King Charles in Windsor Castle. And a famous heiress who lives not in a palace or a castle, but a manor, and her dogs too, in a manor designed especially for them: Paris Hilton! 

The guests:

- Harry Bellet, journalist in the culture department of the World

- Philippe Chassaigne, historian specializing in Great Britain

Author of the biography of "La Reine Victoria" (Gallimard) and "History of England, from the origins to the present day "(Flammarion)