In the small municipality of Boxholm, many residents refused to accept that Arla moved the production of the cheese, which was named 700 km north - to Östersund.

See the story of the Boxholm Uprising in our special.

After three years of struggle, there are now two types of cheese with the name Boxholm.

One is manufactured in Östersund and one in Boxholm.

And it will now be a court that will decide who is entitled to the name.

"Boxholm you can not have exclusive rights to"

The answer may not be as obvious as you might think.

In the video, Marianne Levin, professor of civil law with extensive experience in trademarks, suggests a completely new solution.

- If you have geographical names, you may not get such an exclusive right.

Cheese can not be exclusive.

You can not have exclusive rights to Boxholm.

It is only the exact combination in the name that you have exclusive rights to, she says.

Temporary decision

Recently, the Patent and Market Court made a temporary decision pending a ruling which means that the new producer, in Boxholm, may not use the name "Genuine Boxholm" on his cheeses.