• Covid, there are no band changes for the Regions at Christmas

  • Christmas.

    Pope: I am thinking of the children in the hospital and of my grandmother's handmade cappelletti

  • Covid: 137 deaths and 16,213 new cases with 337,222 swabs in 24 hours.

    Positivity rises to 4.8%

  • European Council, discussion on Covid.

    Draghi defends Italy's choice on tampons


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea

24 December 2021 Spending Christmas Eve in line for a swab: this is what happens in Milan but not only. In the Milanese city, the wait for drive-throughs began early in the morning, with people queuing for hours in their cars. Lines even kilometers long to be able to participate in family reunions for Christmas in peace and safety.

At the buffer points of the Ast Santi Paolo e Carlo, the intervention of the Local Police was necessary to manage the out-of-control influx of a large number of people. There were also moments of tension because, after the last days of tilt, in order to try to relieve the pressure, new indications restricted the requirements for access to the test. "You must have a reservation", is the answer that many have received, in contrast to the free access provided for some categories. 

The chaos also affected the schools front. Even yesterday from the institutions parents received communications of positive cases in the classrooms, in which they gave orders to swab the students while the drive-thorughs received the order to stop the school swabs. So several families, after being in a row for hours, backed off. And there are those who, reading the out-of-date list of active buffer points, attached to the school's request, ended up at Linate airport finding themselves in front of a sign saying "permanently closed from 19 June 2021".

Ats - Health Protection Agency Metropolitan city of Milan: "Frightening pressure"

"The pressure is frightening - admitted the director general of the Ats Metropolitan City of Milan, Walter Bergamaschi, contacted by the press agency Adnkronos Salute." We have strengthened the buffer points, seeing that the numbers were growing more and more. Of course there are major critical issues. "Various factors affect the offer, explains Bergamaschi:" Even the health personnel are not free from infections and we have many people involved in the vaccination campaign that cannot be stopped, because it is the real weapon we have to contain this epidemic outbreak. Then there are the patients to be assisted: even if the situation is under control, in fact, the pressure on hospitals is still significant. We have also increased the slots for testing,but all these actions are unable to cope with the boom in appropriate demand linked to suspicious Covid situations ". To the pressure dictated by the" exploding "epidemic, another type of question is added." Inside these queues there are also citizens who they try to take swabs even if they have no indication from their doctor and have no symptoms. This is a further element that complicates the situation ". On December 27 the maxi drive-thorugh in Parco Trenno will also reopen to try to expand the possibilities for testing." The Army has allowed us to keep it open given the epidemic situation ".Inside these queues there are also citizens who try to take swabs even if they have no indication from their doctor and have no symptoms. This is a further element that complicates the situation ". On December 27 the maxi drive-thorugh in Parco Trenno will also reopen to try to expand the possibilities for testing." The Army has allowed us to keep it open given the epidemic situation ".Inside these queues there are also citizens who try to take swabs even if they have no indication from their doctor and have no symptoms. This is a further element that complicates the situation ". On December 27 the maxi drive-thorugh in Parco Trenno will also reopen to try to expand the possibilities for testing." The Army has allowed us to keep it open given the epidemic situation ".

Moratti: "Lombardy Region sets up swabs task force"

In Lombardy, a task force for Covid tampons enters the field. From next week, at the disposal of the vice president and councilor for Welfare, Letizia Moratti, a team dedicated to the coordination and strengthening of the public and agreed offer of the antigenic and molecular tampons service for the whole territory will come into operation directly reporting to the General Welfare Directorate. regional. Guido Grignaffini, director of the social services of Ats Brianza, was indicated as the head of coordination. The vaccination plan in the meantime will continue according to the objectives set by the Government Commissioner Structure, allowing for better coordination and sharing of resources also for the strengthening of the Buffer Service strengthened with the establishment and start-up of the appropriate 'task force',is explained by the Region. Only yesterday 205,847 swabs were carried out in Lombardy.

The queues and the chaos for the tampons was not registered only in the Lombard capital.



the images of the people in line were taken with drones and are impressive.

Today a new peak has been reached and the record of 901,450 swabs (rapid and molecular) carried out yesterday throughout Italy will probably be beaten. 

Long queues in the street despite the rain for the waiting for the tests also in


with pharmacies stormed for the last tampons before the holidays both for those who must obtain the Green Pass and for those who, when vaccinated, want to be more peaceful for the dinner with relatives.