"The time has come for a sacred union for the defense of our freedoms and our democratic model, (...) for the defense of our children" and "for France", says the former right-hand man of Marine Le Pen in a letter dated Wednesday, which he sent in particular to three of his supporters - Jean-Frédéric Poisson, Jacline Mouraud and Philippe de Villiers - as well as to the candidates Marine Le Pen (RN), Eric Zemmour (Reconquest) and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (DLF).

Mr. Philippot also sent his mail to the candidates François Asselineau (UPR), Jean-Luc Mélenchon (LFI), Jean Lassalle, as well as to the LR MEP François-Xavier Bellamy.

The president of the Patriots, who holds demonstrations every week in Paris against the health policy of the government, "implores them to participate on January 8 in a large unitary demonstration in defense of our freedoms" which he sees as "an electric shock "to" slow down a government gone mad ".

"Our country is falling into an assumed totalitarianism, where the power raises without any morals, and with a lot of lies a part of the population against another", that is to say "the vaccinated + almost free + (...) and the unvaccinated, condemned to social death, "said Florian Philippot.

The bill transforming the health pass into a vaccine pass (a negative test no longer sufficient to enter the places subject to the pass) must be presented on Monday during an exceptional Council of Ministers, then examined from Wednesday in Parliament, with the objective of entry into force "from the first half of January" according to the government.

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