Friends who no longer talk to each other because of Corona, uncertainty, clashes during demonstrations - two years of the corona pandemic have put society to the test. Against this background, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier called for solidarity in his Christmas address: “In a democracy we don't all have to be of one opinion. But please let us remember: We are one country! We must still be able to look each other in the eye after the pandemic. And we want to live together even after the pandemic, "he said in the address that will be broadcast on the first holiday and that was previously recorded.

Of course there are arguments, insecurities and fears.

Speaking out, nobody will be prevented from doing so, said the Federal President.

“What matters is how we talk about it - in the family, among friends, in public.

We feel: After two years, frustration is spreading, irritation, alienation and unfortunately also open aggression. "

Steinmeier thanked the “large, often silent majority”, who had been acting prudently and responsibly for months, and appealed to the responsibility of the individual: “The state cannot put on the protective mask for us, it can too don't get vaccinated for us.

No, it depends on us, on each and every one of us! "

For almost two years now, the Corona issue has marginalized most other issues. The first reports of a new "mysterious lung disease" that had broken out in China appeared in Germany at the end of December 2019. The following 24 months turned into a rollercoaster ride for society as a whole: lockdowns, school closings, mask deals, federal-state crisis meetings, demonstrations, relatively carefree summers, followed by nerve-wracking autumn and winter months.

"Our state has seldom been challenged to protect the life and limb of its citizens," said Steinmeier.

To do this, he needs scientists, doctors, nurses, responsible law enforcement officers and employees in the offices.

“They are all doing their best.

And they all gain new knowledge, correct assumptions that have been proven to be wrong, and adapt measures.

People can be wrong, but they also learn. "

Steinmeier spoke of changes caused by the pandemic right down to the language.

“Not only have new terms been added, from incidence to 2G +.” The “old, precious words” trust, freedom and responsibility have also been given a “new, urgent weight”.

In the opinion of the Federal President, society must come to an agreement on what these words mean.

“Doesn't trust also mean that I am relying on competent advice, even if my own doubts have not been completely overcome?

(...) Is freedom the loud protest against every regulation?

Or doesn't freedom sometimes also mean restricting myself in order to protect the freedom of others?

What does responsibility mean?

Do we just say: 'Everyone has to decide for themselves'?

Or does my decision not really affect many others? "

In this context, Steinmeier also looked beyond Corona to the major issue of climate protection, which was never gone, but is currently receiving less attention due to the pandemic.

“Here too there won't just be one correct answer that will convince everyone.

But we will always have to come to an understanding again.

And I'm sure: we can communicate. "