Researchers say that the first year of marriage is full of changes, adjustments, and challenges, because you and your spouse have to adjust to your new lives and roles, however how you handle this adjustment period is critical to ensuring your marriage continues into the future.

A study conducted at the University of Texas on factors that predict marital satisfaction found that a decline in love and affection between spouses and an increase in contradictions and differences between them during the first two years of marriage is an indicator of divorce after 13 years.

The study also found that the couples who separated during the first two years of their marriage showed signs of disappointment, and were negative towards each other in the first two months of their marriage, while the couples who continued their marriage and were happy as well had positive feelings towards the other party during this period. The early period of their relationship.

The blame game will only exacerbate any conflicts you and your spouse (pixels) have.

Research also shows that newlyweds may be more likely to be dissatisfied with unrealistic expectations or their standard of living versus what they expected in terms of marriage.

Also, the problems between spouses in the early years are often the result of unexpected small things, as well as competition between spouses, feelings of disappointment, lack of responsibility, mixing roles for each person, as well as sex.

One US study found that newlyweds who tend to estimate that their happiness levels will rise or at least remain the same during the first four years of marriage are actually more likely to decline happiness over time.

Divorce is also common in the early years of marriage - according to American studies - due to the transitional stage that people go through in relation to the marriage itself and their first experience of paternity, especially among couples who have been proven to have levels of dissatisfaction with their marriage.

Enjoying time with each other and creating cherished memories in your marriage in your marriage can help strengthen your relationship (pixels)

How do you overcome the problems of the first marriage?

In her article for Verywellmind, author and author Sherry Stratoff says that in addition to keeping romance alive at the beginning of a relationship, there are other priorities that couples should consider as well at the beginning of their journey:

1- Dealing with financial matters

The spouses may have separate sources of funds for each of them, and it is one of the important matters that must be discussed at the beginning of the marriage or even before marriage. How will each of the spouses manage his financial affairs?

Will both of you keep your money in separate accounts or will it be dealt jointly?

In all cases honesty is key when it comes to avoiding disagreements over financial matters.

2- house chores

Appropriately dividing the household chores between the newlyweds can eliminate tension in your home and ensure a happy marriage. Keep in mind that you will likely have to re-evaluate each person's list of responsibilities from time to time depending on new tasks and how busy both of you are.

Appropriate division of household chores between newlyweds eliminates tension (pixels)

3- Find ways to spend your free time

 While spending time together is important, you also need to spend some quality time with friends or family for personal growth and independence.

4- Setting limits for family and relatives

Talk to your spouse about what is and is not acceptable in terms of intimate partner involvement in private matters. For example: can they come to the house without warning or do you have to be informed by a phone call or text message?

5- Understand the differences

Husbands often have different ideas about each other as a result of their upbringing in different environments and cultures, and understanding and respecting these differences will help you avoid judging your husband and improve your relationship with him.

6- Learn how to deal with disagreements

While disagreement is inevitable, the way we deal with disagreement can make a difference in a marital relationship. Do your best to maintain a constructive attitude and mutual respect, and be willing to get your spouse's point of view.

7- Discuss expectations

From household responsibilities to the details of your relationship, it is important to discuss what each one of you expects from the other. After all, unfulfilled or unrealistic expectations can create great stress in your relationship. False expectations can also destroy your relationship with your spouse. For example, if you You expect your partner to live up to what you see in romantic movies, you are exaggerating too much, and both of you have to make his expectations acceptable and affordable.

Understanding and respecting differences will help you avoid judging your husband and improve your relationship with him (Shutterstock)

8- Avoiding blame

The blame game will only exacerbate any conflicts you and your husband are having. It is best to discuss with him what is really going on and how you can work together as a couple to bridge the gap.

9- Give yourself and your partner time to adapt

Marriage is new to both of you, so it's important to be patient as you adjust to your new roles and responsibilities.

10- You can't change your husband

Remember that you can't change your husband and the way he behaves, but you can change your reactions, which may prompt your husband to change his reactions as well.

11- Appreciating your husband

Don't take your husband for granted. Saying "thank you" and showing appreciation can go a long way in making your partner feel better about themselves and your relationship with them.

12- Spend quality time together

Enjoying time with each other and creating cherished memories in your marriage can help strengthen your relationship.