Who does not want to be wise?

But the pursuit of wisdom requires self-insight and to achieve it, a simple test can be a step in the right direction.  

- No one is completely wise.

So if we are to improve our wisdom, we must find out how we are, what points we get on various components that wisdom consists of.

We can then improve the components where we are weak, says psychiatry professor and wisdom researcher Dilip Jeste at San Diego University, the author behind a test that measures the coveted trait. 

The test, which was published in the journal International Psychogeriatrics, consists of only seven questions and is a further development of his original test, which contained 28 questions.

The test measures seven different components that wisdom is considered to consist of.

These include traits such as accepting dissent, having the ability to make decisions on time and giving good advice.  

- But the most important feature is prosocial behavior.

It's about selflessly doing things for others, empathy, compassion and altruism.   

Controversial move in the test 

One component that is considered controversial and has aroused debate among researchers in the United States is what is called "spirituality" in English or the feeling of existential anchoring.

Some researchers do not believe that this should be a criterion for wisdom.

But Dilip Jeste believes that it is still important.  

- It is different from religiosity.

You can be an atheist and still feel an existential anchor.

It is about believing in and feeling connected to what some call soul, spirit, consciousness or god.  

 But then why is wisdom so important?  

- Wisdom is a personality trait that is associated with personal well-being, happiness, better mental and physical health, more resilience.

People who get high on the test are not so likely to be depressed and anxious, stressed and unhappy.

So wisdom is something that really helps people, but also society at large.  

According to Dilip Jeste, wisdom is a universal concept and the ingredients in wisdom have their own place in the brain.  

- In principle, all religions and philosophies advocate wisdom in their ancient writings that go back several thousand years in time.

The reason is that wisdom is based on our biology.

Our brain has specific parts that are associated with wisdom.

Our human brain is much the same among humans and over time.

Therefore, wisdom is universal. 

It is possible to practice wisdom  

For those who want to become wise, there is good news.

It is possible to increase their wisdom with exercise.  

- Wisdom is different from intelligence.

It is difficult to increase your IQ.

But this does not apply to wisdom that is 50 percent inherited.

This means that wisdom is 50 percent affected by the environment and behavior.

So we can become wise, but also less wise.

But the tendency is to become wiser with age thanks to the experience we get.  

But if you do not want to wait to get old, there are different ways to practice wisdom.

For example, if you want to increase your prosocial behavior, Dilip Jeste suggests these exercises.  

- Every day think about or write down three things you are grateful for.

You can also volunteer at a home for people with dementia or vulnerable children, for example.

And finally, meet people who are different from yourself, such as people with other political views.  

How do you recognize a wise person then?

Play the video and watch Dilip Jeste explain what the seven components behind wisdom are.  

If you want to test your wisdom with the seven questions, it is not yet possible, but those who have the patience to do the test with 28 questions can do it here.