Luigi Brugnaro (Ansa)

  • Quirinale: major maneuvers in the center, towards the Italia Viva-Coraggio Italia federation.

    No from Action

  • Camera: the "Coraggio Italia" group is born, tensions in the center-right

  • Center, 'Coraggio Italia' is born: 24 deputies and 7 senators


December 18, 2021 "The idea of ​​Coraggio Italia was born in my home with the Honorable Marco Marin to whom, also on this occasion, I renew my full esteem, first of all as a friend in whom I completely trust and then also as Group Leader at Camera. Thanks to his commitment and tenacity, together with my visionary idea of ​​Mayor and Entrepreneur for a better, more beautiful and more attractive Italy for young people, we have imagined (and then succeeded in realizing it) a Political Force, Courage Italy , that could intercept the real needs of many orphaned citizens of a policy that thinks about the concrete things to do for the future of our country and for the future of our young people. deputies and senators, involving, right from the constituent phase,even the Cambiamo! and Idea with friends Giovanni Toti and Gaetano Quagliariello. Now I read from the newspapers that perhaps someone has other paths in mind and obviously I will wait for confirmation from those directly involved. Obviously, if the rumors were true, I'd be sorry but they wouldn't break me down. Together with Marco Marin and our Group I will continue to build our national project with even more enthusiasm and courage ".Together with Marco Marin and our Group I will continue to build our national project with even more enthusiasm and courage ".Together with Marco Marin and our Group I will continue to build our national project with even more enthusiasm and courage ".

This is what the national President of Coraggio Italia, Luigi Brugnaro, specifies, "following the reading of some articles that appeared today in the newspapers".

In relation to the same press releases today relating to the findings of the Commission for Guarantee of the Statutes for Political Parties, the National Secretary General of the Party, Derek Donadini, remembers how in the note it is well specified that "the Commission has absolutely not rejected the Statute di Coraggio Italia, but has only sent in recent days a second preliminary note, in which it has simply noted further changes (however small in number) to be made to the Statute of the Party to consider it fully compliant with the provisions of Law 149/2013. law abolished public funding for parties, establishing however tax advantages in favor of parties (2x thousand and tax deductions for natural or legal persons who provide a contribution to parties),but only for parties registered in a national register held by the Guarantee Commission, in which a condition for registration is that the Statute complies with some legislative provisions set by law 149/2013 ".

"So Courage Italy - concludes the clarification - unlike what he erroneously reported in the press, at this moment it has full effectiveness and full political and legal capacity, and indeed, responding to the Commission's last five remarks, is even closer to being able to legitimately register in the aforementioned register to obtain tax advantages. It is recalled for information only that Italia Viva and Action, among the most recently constituted parties, were registered in the register of parties only one year after their constitution, demonstrating that the Commission always operates rigorously and punctually in its verification activity, as it should be.In any case, we clearly reiterate that the Coraggio Italia party is legitimately constituted and is continuing its goal of establishing roots in the territories and will undoubtedly present itself, with full legitimacy as of today, at the next various electoral appointments with the utmost commitment ".