Education Everywhere trains its practitioners to overcome linguistic and cultural barriers

A game in "Expo" .. dreams of saving the world

  • The director of the game confirmed that "Expo Dubai" is an ideal place to present it.

    From the source


At Expo 2020 Dubai, the Nexus Hall for Man and Planet hosted an interactive game show that combines game design and theatrical art, and aims to teach players how to overcome linguistic and cultural barriers, to be able to act collectively, to find a solution to global challenges.

Education Everywhere invites its practitioners to enter a virtual world, to help a community achieve long-term well-being in times of crisis, through an interconnected set of video games and performances, as attendees witness to the way in which the city and its residents will interact, based on the choices they make. Players make them, while slowly realizing the consequences of those decisions that have been made, which may seem simple at first.

“This idea stemmed from a five-year plan to explore areas that could be the meeting points between theater art and game design,” said Carlos Pez, a Venezuelan theater artist and game designer, and director of Education Everywhere. To share, people are allowed to talk to each other without using words to communicate with each other; enabling them to transcend language and cultural barriers, and allow them to communicate in understandable and meaningful ways, and this particular piece comes from our desire to explore new ideas for delivering education, through artistic expression.”

"The game may seem easy at first, but it involves a difficult task, which is to save the world, and the way to succeed in it is the cooperation of all the team members, so the audience must balance the decisions that they will make, because they may affect the people of the city in ways that may be Beneficial or harmful, for example, while collecting environmental resources may be beneficial for infrastructure development, in the long run it may disturb the connection between city dwellers and nature.”

“This game is an invitation to everyone to think about how we build societal strength, and how our actions can affect it,” he explained.

I believe that (Expo 2020 Dubai) is an ideal place to present this game, as one team can consist of a completely different group of players, in terms of nationalities, cultures and ages, but they will agree among themselves on the way to play, and the best way to rebuild cities, after they have been exposed to disasters. or natural crises.

We hope that visitors will have fun trying this game, and it will make them think differently about what they have seen and experienced while playing.”

Visitors were able to participate in the “Education Everywhere” game in the Nexus Hall for Man and Planet, located in the Opportunity Zone, and one round lasts for 30 minutes.