More patients seek care and the number of ambulance calls has increased by 14% from week 46 to week 49, according to figures from SOS Alarm which is sent to the Region and which SVT Nyheter Stockholm has read.

Sharper assessments of SOS

The region is now trying to make efforts to relieve care.

Among other things, by amplifying 1177 so that calls are answered faster and amplifying so that SOS alarms can make sharper and better assessments in the event of alarms.

According to Region Stockholm's chief physician Patrik Söderberg, SOS alarms, which receive calls on 112, usually need to take the safe before the unsafe in the event of an alarm, as illness conditions are difficult to assess by telephone.

The region has contacted other regions about ambulance assistance, but it is currently not urgent.

They are also discussing whether the region should go up in staff mode.