A parliamentary group bears a special share of responsibility for the embarrassment and the relevant shambles when filling the chairmanship of the Bundestag's interior committee: that of the Greens.

The mess is ultimately due to the wish of her former parliamentary group chairman Anton Hofreiter, who was left empty-handed when the department was allocated, to chair the European Committee.

Because as the second largest opposition faction, the AfD was able to secure the free chairmanship of the interior committee in the first round of awards. According to the unwritten but constitutionally unenforceable law, the AfD would also be entitled to this post. However, the fact that a party that the constitution protection has classified as a right-wing extremist suspected case, of all things, could lead the Interior Committee, was a political absurdity from the start.

Now, in a secret ballot, unlike in normal democratic cases, the candidate nominated by the AfD was rejected.

The other groups have prevented the AfD's success with an emergency stop.

The AfD has already been thwarted in recent years when the deputy positions in the Bundestag presidium were awarded - a situation that the party cleverly used to portray itself as a victim of undemocratic intrigues.

The fact that the AfD became even more radical as a result, however, is solely due to their behavior.