[Explanation] Recently, the so-called "democracy summit" held in the United States has aroused doubts from international public opinion.

Some U.S. media published commentary articles saying that when Biden held the so-called "democracy summit," the United States was struggling to cope with its own democratic crisis.

On December 10, American reporter Danny Haiphong stated in an interview with a reporter from China News Agency that the so-called "democracy summit" has nothing to do with democracy, but a way for the United States to deal with its own crisis.

  [Concurrent] American reporter Danny Haiphong

  You can see that this is a political action based on the script.

It is not based on a true passion for democracy, but a kind of political message (transmission), which is to show its strength to the United States and the international community to deal with the unprecedented crisis encountered by the United States, because the United States is constantly The world (in various fields) loses its status.

In the past ten years, the share of the United States in the world economy has been shrinking.

The economic crisis and epidemic have lasted for two years, but they have not yet been effectively alleviated.

I think one of the purposes of the "Democracy Summit" is to respond to the surge in pressure in the United States.

This is an attempt to use China and the countries targeted at the "Democracy Summit" as a scapegoat, because the United States is trying to re-plan the world according to its own status quo.

  [Explanation] From the perspective of Haiphong, the United States has been trying to use the term "democracy" to cover up its hegemonic ambitions, and the so-called "democratic summit" has strong geopolitical motives. The United States hopes to take this opportunity to re-establish the image of "hegemony".

  [Concurrent] American reporter Danny Haiphong

  Obviously, this summit has geopolitical motives. "Democracy" has been like this for decades, and it has been used by the United States as a bargaining chip for its hegemonic ambitions.

We have seen this from all the countries (and regions) that were invited and eventually participated.

These countries and regions are all related to the interests of the United States.

In fact, when you watch the summit (you will find), these countries (and regions) have expressed their loyalty to the United States in some way.

  [Explanation] When talking about "American democracy", Haiphong believes that it is hypocritical in nature and is a democracy of a specific class.

Under "American democracy," the human rights of ordinary Americans are not important.

  [Concurrent] American reporter Danny Haiphong

  (In my opinion) "American democracy" is hypocritical. In essence, "American democracy", like all Western democracy in the past few centuries, is the democracy of a certain class of people.

It is the democracy of the rich and powerful, the owners of capital, and those who can truly control the development of the society and economy.

In essence, the human rights of the American people are secondary, if not completely ignored.

In fact, "American democracy" is indeed a need for the rich, but it is the opposite for the poor, working people, African Americans, racially oppressed people, and aboriginal people. They were driven away from the land and were mass murdered in order to promote the construction of so-called "democracy."

This is the real "American democracy."

  Liu Yinghan reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]