The armpit often sends warning signs that indicate health problems, and you should pay close attention to these signs and consult a doctor to avoid the worst.

Here we present 5 health problems that can be detected through the armpits.

In a report, the French blog "Amiliore ta Sante" says that the armpit needs special care because it secretes a lot of fluid that causes unpleasant odors, due to the presence of a large number of sweat glands in this area of ​​the body.

The armpit can alert us to the presence of health problems, and these are the most prominent warning signs that the armpit sends:

1- Bad breath in the armpits

Underarm odor is a common problem for most people, as the accumulation of sweat on the surface of the skin creates an ideal environment for bacteria to grow, causing a strong, sour smell.

The smell usually goes away when you shower or use deodorants and antiperspirants, but a persistent smell after cleaning your armpits, may indicate a thyroid problem or hormonal changes.

If the smell is more like rotting fruit or nail polish, it may be related to diabetic ketoacidosis.

Thus, unpleasant odors in the armpits may be a sign of diabetes or its precursors.

Diabetic ketoacidosis is an emergency condition in which the cells of the body do not get enough glucose, which leads to the body burning fats for energy, and this process results in what are known as ketones or ketone bodies.

Ketone bodies can increase the acidity of the blood to a degree that may lead to death.

The most important symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis include feeling very thirsty, frequent urination, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, feeling weak and tired, and the smell of breath turning into a fruity smell.

2- Itching

Feeling itchy in the armpit is normal when hair begins to grow after shaving, but itching sometimes indicates a skin-related problem.

Some harsh razors, or the chemicals in some creams and deodorants, can cause irritation and sensitivity to the skin.

Persistent itching accompanied by red spots may indicate the growth of fungi in the armpits, and in this case, you should consult a doctor and use antifungal treatment.

3- Pain in the armpit

Pain in the armpit area may be a normal reaction from the muscles, due to overuse of the arms, a common condition when constantly lifting heavy objects or doing weightlifting.

But if the problem becomes persistent and pain increases, it is necessary to see a doctor, because this may be due to swollen lymph nodes or a serious injury.

It is recommended to do stretching exercises correctly when exercising to avoid injuries in the armpit area.

4- skin rash

Due to the hot and humid nature of this area of ​​the body, the risk of infection and inflammation increases, and this may result in a rash that causes itching and redness.

5- Pimples and infections

Some small pimple-like bumps in the armpits may appear when follicles become clogged, preventing hair from growing.

This can be very painful, and if the problem is not treated, it can become a potential cause of infection.

Instead of removing these pimples with forceps, it is recommended to exfoliate the skin so that the hair grows naturally.

The formation of some lumps in the armpits may indicate a problem with the lymphatic system.

These symptoms may indicate that the body is trying to fight a disease or infection.

But the persistence of lumps for a long time may indicate a larger problem, such as infection or the possibility of a malignant tumor, and it is very important to consult a doctor in this case.