• Putin: "If Ukraine joins NATO, green light to arms"

  • Ukraine, Biden: "Moscow risks retaliation".

    Putin: "no to NATO expansion"

  • The summit between Biden and Putin has ended: the Ukraine question is in the foreground

  • Biden calls 4 European leaders: sanctions on Russia ready in case of invasion of Ukraine

  • White House: Russia withdraws from Ukraine's borders

  • Ukraine, Borrell: "EU alongside Kiev in case of attack".

    Moscow: "Respect the Minsk agreements"


December 09, 2021 Joe Biden supports Ukraine's aspiration to become a member of NATO: White House spokesperson Jen Psaki said this, reporting that in today's phone call with the Ukrainian president, Biden reiterated that he supports the sovereignty of Kiev and that the aggression is from the Russian side.

In fact, the expected and announced telephone call between the president of the United States, Joe Biden, and the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, took place in the Italian afternoon. A phone call that focused above all on the outcome of last Wednesday's conversation between the US president, Biden, and the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

According to rumors reported by the Associated Press, Biden would have tried to persuade Zelensky to sell part of the Donbass areas already in the hands of pro-Russian separatists.

US: $ 424.4 million to support democracy

"The Presidential Initiative for Democratic Renewal represents a significant and targeted expansion of the US government's efforts to defend, support and grow democratic resilience with governmental and non-governmental partners like-minded government agencies. Over the next year, the United States plans to provide up to $ 424.4 million for the presidential initiative, in partnership with Congress and based on available funds. "

The White House writes this in a note released at the start of the summit for democracy organized by the US president, Joe Biden. 

"We must act against authoritarianisms and for the protection of human rights. Standing still is not an option," Biden said opening the summit for democracy where he invited over 100 countries.

'Democracies are experiencing a decline, including the US.

The challenge of our time is to preserve democracy, which does not happen by chance and is not a declaration but an act.

Fighting corruption, defending media freedom and human rights are top priorities, "Biden added.

China's wrath, not invited to the summit, like Russia.