Västernorrland is behind the rest of the country when it comes to vaccinating 12-15 year olds.

- This is because we started later than the others, explains Karin Sellgren, vaccine coordinator Region Västernorrland.

The reason for setting the start date later was that the region adapted to the schools' planning in terms of, among other things, national tests but also access to premises.

At this point, you start to catch up.

By December 8, 54 percent of the youngest group in the county had received their first injection, according to the Public Health Agency's statistics.

During the spring term, the vaccination teams will go out to the schools again for the next dose.

- Those who have not had time to get their dose one will get it when we vaccinate dose two.

In the video, Karin Sellgren tells how the willingness to vaccinate differs between schools.