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Jose Coronado.

Madrid, 1957. One of the great stars of our cinema assures that the gallant is one until death and, of course, he tells you with that voice and that plant and you do not discuss it.



The Perfect Family has

just premiered


José Coronado playing the part. This I didn't see coming. Happy Winning. He is a sweetheart of character and much more for the time we did it, just after the pandemic. Getting into that happy character, who everything is going well for him, who gives freedom to his family, who has confidence ... It is a comedy that, also, as the director is Arantxa [Echevarría] who comes from 'Carmen y Lola', has social commitment. It makes us wonder if we are happy with our lives and invites you to rebel against the established, to reinvent yourself and to fight for your illusions regardless of your age, both at work and professionally. It invites us to be free. It was an extremely happy shoot, despite all the difficulties of the protocol, because it reminded me that we are still alive and we continue to laugh and make people laugh. Speaking of Echevarría,We are experiencing a boom in film directors, a role played by men until recently. Has the industry really changed? Really, I can assure you. In these last 10 years, what had not evolved in all the previous ones has evolved. I am not saying that we are already at the point of justice and equality, but we are very close and we are one of the countries that most advocate for it. There have been some measures in favor of equality like I had not seen in my life. What's more, now I often think: "Damn, I would like to be a woman" (laughs).but we are very close and we are one of the countries that most advocate for it. There have been some measures in favor of equality like I had not seen in my life. What's more, now I often think: "Damn, I would like to be a woman" (laughs).but we are very close and we are one of the countries that most advocate for it. There have been some measures in favor of equality like I had not seen in my life. What's more, now I often think: "Damn, I would like to be a woman" (laughs).

I don't give a shit who it is, woman or man, what I want is for it to be a talented person, but certain deficits had to be corrected and I find what is happening to be logical. Do you mean parity and quota measures? Yes, it is necessary. Now you know that a woman is going to take charge of the film and directors with wonderful talent are going to stay at home and maybe they could have done better, but for society as a whole it is better if she directs. We owe a great debt to women, there have been many injustices for a long time. Up to what age can you be a heartthrob? That you will always carry. In addition, the important thing about gallantry is knowing what stage of your life you are in: you cannot pretend to be the same heartthrob with 60 years as with 30. You have to know how to dive, know your moment, know how to be parents and,then, knowing how to do grandparents. You have to know how to evolve, but you are going to continue being a gallant until you die. Verónica Forqué said that machismo in the cinema shows that Coronado continues to flirt with 25-year-old women in movies. Isn't it weird when that happens? Well, I think it doesn't happen so much anymore. The great age differences, both on one side and the other, give me a stink, they smell of interest to me. But the ones that are not so big, about 20 years at the most, seem wonderful to me and right now I also see women with younger men, it is not just the other way around, although men continue to have the banner of that, let's say, luck. For me, love has no age, but I don't understand what a 60-year-old uncle does with a 20-year-old aunt. There love no longer enters and I see a generational, physical problem of all kinds.They are relationships of power or interest, but not pure and good love. You have to limit a bit and set limits. You are an exception: a non-vocational actor. Have you taken the profession more lightly for it? It is true that it came to me without vocation and late, at the age of 30, but I fell in love within a week. I thought that it was a profession that was only limited to 'children of', that there was no entry there for someone without contacts like me. I had another business, but by chance I started to give drama classes and I realized that this was it, if you translate it into Englishbut I fell in love within a week. I thought that it was a profession that was only limited to 'children of', that there was no entry there for someone without contacts like me. I had another business, but by chance I started to give drama classes and I realized that this was it, if you translate it into Englishbut I fell in love within a week. I thought that it was a profession that was only limited to 'children of', that there was no entry there for someone without contacts like me. I had another business, but by chance I started to give drama classes and I realized that this was it, if you translate it into English

to play

or to the french


, a game. It was a discovery: "Damn, you get paid for this!" And Cristina Rota told me: "Well, if you dedicate effort, plant and voice you have, it depends on you." There I said: "Fuck everything, I'm going to fight for what has excited me." What seduced you so much as to change your life? I saw clearly that if they left me, that it was difficult and I had to earn it, I wanted to live a lifetime of a wonderful job that allows you to enrich yourself personally through all the other lives that you are living. And, above all, it is paid with dignity. It took me many years to destroy papers while I was learning, but the approved one was cheaper in my time and I managed to learn a little. Was it cheaper to be an actor then? Yes, because there were fewer of us who opposed. Now you kick and you get 40 lads who speak perfect English,Herculean, handsome ... Today is crazy, but when I arrived there were Imanol (Arias), (Antonio) Resines, Carmelo Gómez and almost already. Against these I played it and they have accompanied me throughout my career as I grew. We are friends and there were roles for everyone. Did it cost you to be taken seriously for being handsome? Yes, I was aware of that happening, but I totally accepted it because they were absolutely right. I was not an actor, I was a rookie who had gotten there because of his appearance, but if they gave me time to learn, I was going to achieve it. I understood it perfectly and it was a drag that I wore for about 10 years. Until I did a play called 'Something in Common', where I played a homosexual who lost his partner to AIDS, I didn't think: "Well, I think now I've earned my actor's license." Until then, in those first 10 years,the only thing I could contribute was my physique, but when I learned to act it went from being a handicap to being a plus because in addition to all other series of characters, I could also play a leading man. I went from being a handsome to a handsome actor. Two for one Fernando Trueba says that he has always gone to the cinema to see beautiful people, which is part of the magic, I am to death with Fernando on that, as long as we remember that it is only cinema and then we know how to educate our children to explain to them that beauty It is a gift wrap that is useless, if there is no effort and work inside. There are very long lists of your partners on the internet. How have you managed that control of your personal life? Since I was known, from the age of 30, these issues have always controlled me, but what I was not going to do was stop my personal life. I really like women and,Suddenly I hit a movie theater where there were a lot of them, so obviously I enjoyed it no matter what they said. The only thing that I have always been very clear about is that I was never going to profit or trade my personal life. In fact, I have never talked about a partner of mine. The rest that speak what they want. I am in my work for whoever you want and if I have to go to

Save me

to talk about my movie, I'm going to

save me

. But my personal life is mine and my inner core. Come on, you have not contained why they will say. No, no. Even if they spoke, it was clearly making up for me (laughs). There are many fees that you have to pay for fame and one is that, that they talk about your personal life and say things that are not true. You have to pay to be stopped on the street on a bad day and you have to take a photo with kindness ... But put on the balance, there is no color with everything that this wonderful job gives me. I gladly pay those fees. How much did the heart attack you suffered in 2017 change your way of seeing life? Much much. After he hit me, I had a few months of tremendous fear and I also fell into a depression, which is common among people who have a heart attack. All those fears made me reflect and work a lot to get out of that darkness,I had to get my neurons online to sort them out so I could keep breathing and surviving. So I learned two verbs that always go with me: prioritize and relativize. Prioritize what you spend your time on, because life is very fragile and can end at any time, and relativize the things that happen. Before, if something went wrong, the demons would take me away. Now I think I'm not operating on anyone to life or death and I'm just a fucking comedian. The take is repeated and that's it. Has fear totally disappeared? I had a lot and it made me very angry, because throughout my life one of my characteristics has been to live without fear. Now I do it again, but I had a fucked up, fucked up year. Between that and the pandemic, have you ever taken stock? Yes. What happens is that the balance that I made later has been quickly dismantled by reality.I was one of those who hoped that we would come out better from the pandemic, but it's a lie, we have come out worse, more divided, more selfish, and that makes me very angry. And it costs me because then, of course, everything I thought in those months, is of little use. I don't see you in a lot of Christmas spirit, I don't like it at all. I think it has to be Christmas all year long, you have to be good all year long, not two weeks, damn it. On top of that, it's a pain in the neck: everything gets stuck, everything is a commitment, everything is an invitation ... It's terrible, let's see if it happens quickly.I think it has to be Christmas all year long, you have to be good all year long, not two weeks, damn it. On top of that, it's a pain in the neck: everything gets stuck, everything is a commitment, everything is an invitation ... It's terrible, let's see if it happens quickly.I think it has to be Christmas all year long, you have to be good all year long, not two weeks, damn it. On top of that, it's a pain in the neck: everything gets stuck, everything is a commitment, everything is an invitation ... It's terrible, let's see if it happens quickly.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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