What are the 3 most important evening habits to lose weight and defeat the rumen?

Do you have weight gain?

Do BMI calculations alone work?

What are the alternative ways to measure body fat?

Evening is an important time to relax, especially after a hard day's work.

But the activities that one does in the evening to reduce stress and fatigue to sleep well do not only help you relax, but can also help you lose weight, according to Deutsche Welle, quoting the German women’s website “FourZ”.

And whoever wants to take advantage of the evening and night time to lose weight can follow some habits.

What are the three evening habits that fight the rumen?

1- Take an evening walking tour

There are many people who do not like or cannot exercise in the evening.

For this reason, walking in the evening is a suitable exercise and does not require much effort.

150 calories can be burned in half an hour of walking.

Among the additional benefits of walking are;

It improves the mood and ensures better sleep, and one does not need to wear sports shoes or go to a gym.

2- Brush your teeth immediately after dinner

When we sit in front of the TV after dinner we may feel hungry, and go back to the kitchen to get light things to eat.

Therefore, the golden advice is to brush your teeth immediately after dinner.

The taste of toothpaste sends a signal to the brain that eating time is over and the desire to eat more stops.

3- Sleep for enough hours and make sure that sleep is good

During sleep, the body processes the products of its metabolism, regenerates and burns fats.

Therefore, those who do not sleep enough hours feel a greater desire to eat.

As is known;

Eating at night prevents weight loss, but is one of the reasons for its increase.

Are you overweight?

We move to the American Cleveland Hospital, where two experts discuss the use of calculators known as the body mass index, which is controversial, in light of the division of professional opinions about the use of BMI as a reference to measure the level of men's health.

Physiologist Chris Dimpers and fitness specialist Colt McDonough explained that BMI is a mathematical formula for measuring body fat by dividing a person's weight in kilograms by their height in square metres.

"BMI gives a person an overall health assessment, where a person is within a healthy range or is underweight or overweight, and yet it doesn't accurately determine body fat or muscle mass, so there are limits to BMI," says Dempers.

Do BMI calculations alone work?

The two experts explained that the BMI is "one size fits all", noting that it does not take into account the natural differences between bodies.

The physiologist explained that the same BMI chart is approved for men and women, although women usually have more fat than men.

However, there are clear benefits to BMI in a time-strapped society, according to Dimpers, who says, "Many clinicians turn to it as a quick and affordable assessment for the general public, especially those of average size who do not exercise regularly." .

BMI provides a fairly accurate measure of where people are in the weight range and whether being overweight can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other conditions, motivating people to embark on a lifestyle Healthier, says Dimpers.

normal weight for men

The two medical experts say that a number in the range 18.5 to 24.9 is a healthy BMI for men, and the same is true for women.

The classification of

weight in the

BMI chart for men, comes ‫kaltala:

‫‫oql 18.5: weight loss.

18.5-24.9: A normal weight.

25.0-29.9: Weight gain.

30.0 or higher: obesity.

However, the two experts point out that the body mass index has become an outdated tool after it was developed nearly two centuries ago, when those concerned obtained most of their data at the time from cadavers, according to Dimpers, who confirmed that this is what the ranges are based on. A healthy body mass index, adding that the average height and weight of people have increased over the years, which exacerbated matters, he described.

5 alternative ways to measure body fat

It's best to look at BMI as a piece of the puzzle, Dempers and McDonough argue, noting that the following five tools can help complete the picture:

1- Dual-emitter X-ray absorptiometry: An imaging test that measures bone density.

McDonough explained that it can be used to find out the percentage of bone mass, muscle mass and body fat.

2- The electronic body fat tester: The body fat test devices send a small current through the body to determine the percentage of fat in it.

These examination devices are usually designed to many scales.

"The measurements provided by these devices are still good, although they usually come with a standard deviation of plus or minus 7 degrees on the scale of accuracy," Dempers said.

3. Mirror: Mirrors remain an excellent tool for measuring physical progress, Dumbers emphasized, explaining that one can monitor changes and note progress in lowering belly fat, for example, while pursuing health goals.

4- Calipers for measuring body fat: While fat varies with age, the average body fat percentage for men ranges between 18 and 25%.

The two experts believe that if the percentage exceeds 25%, it is considered an indication of obesity in men.

McDonough said that the body fat caliper, which resembles tweezers, is a tool used to measure the percentage of body fat, explaining that some qualified sports coaches know how to perform the examination in 6 locations on the body using this caliper to show the percentage of body fat.

Although the BMI may be in the obese range, the caliper test can show that a person has more muscle density than the BMI indicates.

‫5- waist to hips ratio: is a

measure of a

person 's

waist measurement divided ‫alorkin centimeters.

When this indicator falls within a certain range, it shows whether a person is overweight and at risk of developing conditions related to obesity.

Waist-to-hip ratio in men and risk level for obesity-related diseases

0.95 or below: Low.

‫0.96 to 1.0: Average.

‫1.0 or higher: high.

‫oansah experts Tabaan people -lkies waist ratio Alorkin- making sure ‫aly stand up

straight, Wolf Measure around the

smallest part of the

waist bar, which ‫aadh what is above the

navel, to measure waist circumference, then wrap tape on the ‫alokpr of your

hips, Which is usually the widest part of the buttocks, to find out the circumference of the hips, then divide the circumference of the waist by the circumference of the hips.

Dimpers concluded, “You could have a good BMI, but the waist-hips ratio is something different, and your tummy can be big, while your height and weight on paper are in the normal range. That's why it's necessary to know Accurate body fat percentage, enlist an experienced fitness center physiologist or trainer to help you, and then use this information to help make positive changes in your life.

‫oma McDonough to say , he

concluded ,

"If you need to lose weight or maintain ‫aly muscle you

build, you need to

maintain a balanced diet and exercise ‫pantzam, to keep your health in

the long term."