Zemmour, a far-right critic who announced his candidacy for the French presidential election next spring, was attacked by a man at a rally and had a slight injury to his wrist. There was confusion such as being beaten by the supporters of.

In the French presidential election in April next year, the far-right critic Zemmour, who appeals for immigration exclusion and anti-Islam, is rapidly gaining support, and the first large-scale rally after the announcement of candidacy at the end of November 5 It opened in the suburbs of Paris on the day.

Approximately 15,000 people attended the rally, announced by the organizer, and Zemmour headed to the podium through enthusiastic supporters, while a man suddenly jumped at Zemmour.

The man was quickly arrested and Zemmour gave his speech as it was, but local media reported that Zemmour had a slight injury to his wrist.

In addition, a group of human rights activists who protested against racism behind the venue were assaulted by Zemmour's supporters.

The footage shot at the scene showed activists being kicked while being taken out of the venue, and the group said in a statement that five people were injured.

Demonstrations of protests have taken place in and around Paris over Mr. Zemmour's rally, and Mr. Zemmour's activities, which appeal for radical claims, are spreading.