SVT has reviewed hundreds of judgments from all over the country, which show that a majority of children who lived with oppression of honor have been exposed to physical violence to a greater extent.

The review shows that 67 of 437 LVU judgments - 15 percent - are about children who grow up with oppression of honor and violence.

Death threats, strangulation and flogging are common - and among the perpetrators are often the closest family members.

Afraid of their parents

On the evening of September 20, 2019, the parents of a 20-year-old woman in Karlskrona learn that their daughter has a secret relationship with a man in Stockholm.

But the relationship is not approved by the parents.

The father abuses his daughter with kicks and blows with both fists and a wooden mallet for a period of ten hours.

- He pulled my hair from my room to the living room and threw me on the floor in a pile.

Then he just said, "You are like an animal now to me, nothing else," the daughter says in interrogation.

The father also threatens to kill his daughter with a kitchen knife, before she manages to escape to a neighbor, who calls the police.

On the way, she drops her shoes in a forest area.

Sentenced to prison

The father denies that he was in any way violent.

But Blekinge District Court considers the daughter's testimony to be credible and in March 2020 sentences the father to six months in prison for assault and unlawful threats.

The court finds that there was an honor-related motive behind the crime, which is considered an aggravating circumstance.

After the incident, the 20-year-old has felt compelled to completely break with his family and therefore lives alone in a protected place.

Mental and physical abuse

In another Blekinge case from the autumn of 2019, the administrative court is taking care of a then 14-year-old girl from Ronneby, according to LVU (the Care of Young People Act).

According to the girl, she has repeatedly been subjected to both mental and physical abuse at home.

Life in her own home has been controlled by her parents, whom she herself is afraid of.

The parents appeal the verdict to the Court of Appeal, but their appeal is denied.