In Austria, the former Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has announced his resignation from his remaining political leadership positions.

It is about the office of the chairman (the party chairman) of the Christian-democratic party ÖVP and the office of the ÖVP club chairman (parliamentary group leader) in the National Council.

Stephan Löwenstein

Political correspondent based in Vienna.

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Niklas Zimmermann

Editor in politics.

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At a press conference on Thursday morning in Vienna, Kurz stated that he felt “grateful” to have served the Republic of Austria in various functions in the federal government for 10 years.

"I always did my best and tried everything," said Kurz.

He cited the increase in small pensions, the relief of families and the limitation of migration as achievements in terms of content.

"You can look at a baby like that for hours"

Regarding the developments of the last few months, which had led to Kurz's forced resignation as Austrian Chancellor at the beginning of October because of the advertising affair, Kurz said that he almost had the feeling that he was being “hunted”.

“I am neither a saint nor a criminal,” said Kurz.

He is looking forward to the day when he can prove in court that the allegations are false.

According to his own statement, the birth of his son last weekend played a decisive role in his withdrawal from top Austrian politics.

“You can look at a baby like this for hours and you are happy and happy about it,” Kurz said at the press conference.

He noticed "how many beautiful and important things there are outside of politics".

In his political functions, he said, he was always “one hundred percent enthusiastic”.

In the past few days, weeks and months this enthusiasm has decreased due to “certain developments”.

He no longer saw his work in politics as a competition for the best ideas for Austria, but above all as a defense against accusations.

Kurz announced an "orderly transition" for the ÖVP leadership.

This Friday, the ÖVP executive committee is expected to hold an extraordinary meeting.

According to Kurz, the office of ÖVP club chairman will again be taken over by August Wöginger, who had held the office until Kurz resigned as Federal Chancellor.

According to media reports, Interior Minister Karl Nehammer could be the successor to the party leadership.