- It is only a matter of time until it appears in the Region and based on what it looks like, we are worried, says Mats Martinell, medically responsible doctor at the sampling unit and infection tracing.

The first cases of Omikron in Sweden were established at the beginning of the week, and in the various regions they are now looking for signs that more people are infected, so also in the Uppsala Region.

- We trace infections and analyze the test results in those who test positive, all to detect and stop any outbreaks as early as possible, says Mats Martinell.

Can take over the Delta variant in Uppsala

Based on the properties that the virus mutation appears to possess, there is a risk that the virus will kill the Delta variant and become widespread.

This means that the region is preparing for stronger measures regarding infection tracing and isolation for those who become carriers of the infection.

- If, or when, we discover cases of Omikron, we will put in place extra infection control measures around the people who may have become infected, says Mats Martinell, medically responsible doctor at the sampling unit and infection tracing.

In the clip: See when Martin Martinell shows pictures of and compares Delta-with the Omikron virus.