The charge is a work environment violation by causing bodily injury.

The prosecutor demands a conviction plus a fine of a total of one and a half million kronor from the two companies that were involved in the accident.

The construction worker was a sheet metal worker and an employee of a company that was commissioned to set up gutters on an ongoing construction site outside Helsingborg.

Made risk assessment

When the construction worker and his now accused boss arrived at the scene, it turned out that the 28-year-old was working from a lift basket made by the client himself and which was lifted up by a truck.

- I made a risk assessment and came to the conclusion that the lift basket was safe enough, says the accused boss.

But chamber prosecutor Jan Olin from the national unit for environmental and work environment goals, has a completely different opinion.

- The lift basket does not measure up from a work environment point of view and the fall protection was insufficient, he says.

In the video, you will hear why it is difficult to determine what really happened.