Twitter, the American social media giant, announced on the 29th that its founder, Jack Dorsey, will retire as CEO.

Twitter said in a statement yesterday that Dorsey will retire as CEO.

"I think the company is ready to leave the founder's hands, so I decided to retire," said Dorsey.

The successor CEO will be Parag Agrawal, who has been working on Twitter for more than 10 years and has been Chief Technology Officer since 2017.

Mr. Dorsey was 45 years old and founded Twitter in 2006, and the function to easily post short sentences has gained popularity mainly among young people, and politicians and companies have also started to use it as a means of disseminating information. Has grown into a global social media.

However, there were some who questioned management skills, such as receiving a dismissal request from an American investment fund known as a "speaking shareholder" last year.

The company has an ambitious management goal of at least doubling sales by 2023, and it will be interesting to see how it will be managed under the new CEO.