In France, a coalition of political parties of the ruling party has been established for the presidential election to be held next spring, and with the rise of far-right forces, it seems that there is an aim to solidify the posture for the re-election of President Macron.

Five political parties supporting President Emmanuel Macron, including the ruling party of the French Macron administration and the advancement of the Republic, held a rally in Paris on the 29th.

"We support President Macron, because he believes he is the best person to guide the country and its people," said Gerini, the leader of the Republic's advance, in five parties in the presidential elections in April next year. They unanimously appealed for the re-election of President Macron.

President Macron is expected to formally announce his candidacy after the beginning of the year, with the aim of establishing a political alliance prior to that to solidify his position for reelection.

In the latest polls on the presidential election,

▼ President Macron

remains at the

top with 25%, but

▼ Far-right party Rupen, who fought for the final vote in the previous election, is 19%,

▼ Anti-immigrants. Mr. Zemur, a critic who makes a far-right claim, is 14%, and

the rise

of the

far-right force is conspicuous.

A 22-year-old male supporter at the rally said, "As the elections approach, the far right is gaining power. Now, what is needed is a president like Mr. Macron who implements policies that incorporate the strengths of the right and left. I was talking about the reason for the support.