In January this year, small savers from the online forum Reddit's subforum Wallstreetbets joined forces and pushed up the share price for Gamestop by several hundred percent.

The share had previously been at bottom levels and as a result, large investors and hedge funds had shortened the share, thus investing in the value falling. 

That the Reddit users pushed up the price thus had major consequences.

A possible explanation for why so many were involved in the campaign is 13 years back in time: the financial crisis of 2008.

David vs. Goliath battle

- The financial crisis left very deep scars in the economy.

There has been a lingering feeling that the bill was never settled.

Banks recovered quickly and soon made new record profits, but ordinary people did not get back on their feet, says Saule Omarova, professor of law at Cornell Law School in the documentary When Gamestop Shook the Stock Exchange.

- When this happened with Gamestop, it was as if they had been given a tool.

For the first time in a long time, it felt like you could do something, says Patrick Klepek, reporter at Motherboard.

It was portrayed by many as a kind of David against Goliath fight, where the small savers stood up to the powerful financial world on Wall Street.

Some of the hedge funds and investors who had sold the Gamestop share lost billions.

But law professor Saule Omarova believes that it has not diminished Wall Street's power anyway.

"Throws petrol on the fire"

- Wall Street can not be curbed by investing in an asset that you think Wall Street does not like.

Wall Street does not care.

They would buy and sell their own grandmothers if it suited their portfolios, she says.

- Rather, they strengthen Wall Street's power.

When we add money to the system, we throw petrol on the fire.

Vanessa Martini and Daniel Noriega were both involved in the business on Wallstreetbets and invested in the Gamesto share - but with widely differing results.

Start the video above to hear how it went for Vanessa Martini and Daniel Noriega.

Watch the entire documentary When Gamestop shook the stock market on Thursday 2 December at 20:00 on SVT2 or already now on SVT Play.