It is a victory-drunk Sweden Democrats who gather this weekend just days after the party's budget reservation together with M and KD was voted through in the Riksdag.

- Together with the Christian Democrats and the Moderates, we have negotiated a budget.

A budget that the Riksdag then voted in favor of.

And our proposals are now becoming a reality for real.

This is no small matter.

It is a big thing and big for our party, but above all important for Sweden.

Now we are taking big, decisive steps towards a change of power.

The Sweden Democrats are influencing, the newly re-elected SD leader said in his speech on Saturday.

"Cowardly people with a bullying mentality"

Åkesson on several occasions attacked the Social Democrats, among other things for what he sees as the party's lateness in the migration issue.

- The Social Democrats have also been at the forefront of a large group of pathetic, cowardly, people with a bullying mentality and gaped "racist" at all of us who dared to question their destructive policies.

- Such cowards will not make Sweden safer, he continued.

Åkesson claimed that S only in the negotiations with V directed his policy towards the pensioners with the worst finances, something he did not consider credible.

- We Sweden Democrats will cut the billion-dollar roll to other countries, to citizens of other countries to instead invest in our own country and our own citizens.


MP and Per Bolund also got a boot from Åkesson.

The SD leader lingered on the fact that the Minister of the Environment called the Sweden Democrats a "brown" party.

- It is historyless and not least it is grossly offensive to all victims of Nazism to equate criticism of the world's most irresponsible immigration policy with fascist crimes in the 1930s and 40s.

Per Bolund should be ashamed.

But it was not just the red-greens that Jimmie Åkesson criticized.

He said that Sweden has been "mismanaged for decades" and turned against what he believed that both the Social Democrats and previous governments, ie also those controlled by the budget comrades M and KD, had done.

- We will be the blowtorch in the butt of the other parties because they did not see it coming.

We saw it coming.

We are full of energy and we are motivated.

They are tired and already seem to have given up, said Jimmie Åkesson.