“Since there was one delta in Japan, it has accumulated mutations in the nsp14 protein, according to our Japanese colleagues.

And this protein determines the ability of the virus to correct mutations ", - she said in an interview with" Lenta.ru "

She added that "since nsp14 itself" got corrupted ", it could not fix anything, errors began to multiply uncontrollably" and the virus disappeared.

According to Baranova, there was not a wide variety of strains in Japan, the island state itself was isolated from everyone, and sanitary anti-coronavirus measures were strictly observed in it.

The biologist said that such scenarios have already happened in history.

Earlier it was reported that scientists from the National Institute of Genetics and Niigata University announced that the delta strain of coronavirus circulating in Japan could accumulate extremely many mutations in one of its non-structural proteins, which could eventually lead to self-destruction.