• Giorgio Palù: "If the EMA authorizes the pediatric vaccine, Aifa will adapt"

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24 November 2021 On the administration of the vaccine against Covid-19 to children between 5 and 11 years old, "the EMA could anticipate a decision between today and tomorrow", in advance of the scheduled date of 29 November. This was stated by Giorgio Palù, president of the Italian Medicines Agency and member of the scientific technical committee, to the microphones of SkyTg24. If Ema's decision arrives within the day after tomorrow, Palù speculated, "from Monday we could have the vaccine for children in Italy".

"Obligation is not excluded"

Palù does not exclude the obligation of the anti-Covid vaccine for the age group 5-11. It is - he explained to SkyTg24 - of "an assessment that will be made progressively, weighted with risks and benefits. The data of the epidemic are telling us that the 5-11 year old category is the one that presents the greatest number of incident cases. picture is changing and even the children are hospitalized and have no concomitant pathologies, the risk of infection is becoming much higher than the risk of the vaccine that does not exist in the studies ".

"Linear growth of infections"

"We are witnessing a linear but not exponential growth in infections, some Regions exceed the critical thresholds for hospitalizations in the medical area and in intensive care. Much attention to pandemic evolution" then explained the president of Aifa.