After the Social Democrats' party leader Magdalena Andersson was voted through to Sweden's first female prime minister, the government's budget fell.

The Center Party chose to abstain in the budget vote, which opened the way for the opposition's proposal to be voted through.

Thereafter, the Green Party chose to end the government cooperation, as they could not accept a bourgeois budget.

Magdalena Andersson requested dismissal and now a new prime ministerial vote will be conducted.

- In general, no one understands the logic of the Center Party's actions, says an upset Öjvind Hatt.

Would you say that it is because of C that the MP is no longer in government?

- Yes, if the Center had not left the budget to the blue-brown coalition, this would not have happened.

No, it's deeply unfortunate.

Hear more of Öjvind Hatt's statement in the clip above.