Speakers at the Women's Pavilion symposium confirmed that virtual exhibitions filled the "pandemic gap"

Expo.. Creative people: digital art is a bet for the future


Speakers, during the symposium “Digital Art Fairs versus Actual Exhibitions”, at “Expo 2020”, yesterday, stressed that the future bet will be on digital art, as it keeps pace with the times, especially with the recent demand for digital artworks, which represent irreplaceable symbols ( NFT), which combines artistic and scientific creativity, and allows the possibility of verifying its origins using the "Blockchain" technology.

The symposium, which was held in the Women's Pavilion with the participation of a number of creators, discussed the transitional phase the art sector is going through, the contemporary art scene and the challenges associated with it.

“The art sector has changed since the (Covid-19) pandemic, as it has contributed to accelerating the transformation process we are currently witnessing, taking advantage of the tremendous technological progress and the presence of a new generation that keeps pace with the most prominent technology outputs,” said Carolina Plasiak, an art consultant from Monaco.

She added, "The current challenge lies in establishing a comprehensive technical system in terms of financing, culture and sustainability. This system contributes to setting the necessary controls and frameworks for a clear vision that ensures continuity."

For his part, art critic Qudous Mirza said: “Digital art and virtual exhibitions have contributed to filling the gap created by the pandemic, as is the case in all other sectors that have adopted new approaches to their work, which has relatively helped the continuity of communication, and to keep the dialogue open.”

He added: "Digital art has managed, in a short period, to create an uproar, as it is a feature of the prevailing culture in the world today, especially with the development of technologies, and the desire of the public to deal with digital."

The participants touched on the importance of having actual works of art, and that digital art represents a new dimension in the art world, despite the differences in terms of methodology, as works of art, both digital and physical, remain a cultural and civilizational heritage for any country.