There have been violent clashes during protests against tightened corona measures in Brussels.

The pictures distributed by the Belga news agency showed police cars with broken windows, burning barricades and the use of pyrotechnics.

Police confirmed that they used water cannons and tear gas against protesters on Sunday.

She announced in the early evening that she wanted to arrest troublemakers.

According to an initial estimate by the emergency services, around 35,000 people took part in the initially peaceful demonstration.

Videos on Twitter showing the protests show how fireworks and other projectiles were used against the police and street battles with the security forces. The demonstration had been approved by the city of Brussels, said a police spokeswoman for Belga in the afternoon. Together with the law enforcement officers, a route to the European quarter of the Belgian capital had been determined. According to the report, the demonstrators criticize, among other things, the increasing obligation to show corona certificates in restaurants and other areas of life.

Similar to Germany, the number of corona infections in Belgium had risen significantly in the past few weeks.

Most recently, an average of more than 12,000 new infections per day were recorded in the country with around 11.5 million inhabitants.