• Vaccines, Hope: "Over three million people with the third dose"

  • Vaccines.

    Palù: "On a dose to children Ema decides on November 29"

  • Vaccini, Rossi: "Immunize children aged 5 to 11"

  • Restrictions on Christmas?

    For experts and politicians it depends on us: "Just get vaccinated and respect measures"

  • Covid, Hope.

    "Challenge not solved yet, it would be a mistake to let your guard down"


November 17, 2021 "We believe that by the end of the month, perhaps November 29, the EMA will decide on the vaccine for the age group 5-11 and the response is likely to be positive. They will follow subsequent vaccination policies".

Nicola Magrini, director general of AIFA said this during an interview on Sky, adding: "The information campaign will be done with grace and gradualness and will be necessary to make people understand the usefulness of this vaccination also with the involvement of pediatricians and family doctors. It is necessary to generate trust in everyone, to be built gradually ".

After Christmas, the anti Covid pill

The anti-covid pill "will be available in the weeks following Christmas. But we have taken steps to ensure that these oral drugs are booked as soon as possible. The evaluation will also be carried out at the European agency level. The results are more than comforting, but the evaluation will be carried out in the next few weeks "says Nicola Magrini, director general of Aifa.

"The evaluation will also be carried out centrally in the next few days for the 2 drugs - that of Merck and that of Pfizer - which have given promising and comforting results. Even in Great Britain where the drug has been authorized, however, it is not yet available" .

Covid vaccine will likely become annual

"It is likely that the Covid vaccine will be administered annually like the flu one."

The AIFA director general Nicola Magrini says this, urging the acceleration for third doses on frail patients, immunosuppressed and over sixty-year-olds and from 1 December vaccinating the youngest.

"Today the availability of vaccines is greater, it is a question of obtaining maximum involvement from those who have benefited most from them".