It offers its visitors innovative experiences and dazzling excursions

The pavilions of the "Expo" pave the way to "Cities of the Dream"

  • The corridors of the pavilions present some models of our "future cities".

    Emirates today


Astonishing futuristic innovations presented by the international exhibition "Expo 2020 Dubai" to its guests, as they roam the pavilions of the participating countries. They range from historical trips, travel through three-dimensional time machines, experiences of snow falling in the desert, and elevators that read feelings.

The corridors of the pavilions also present some of the models of our "future cities", the living spaces that will bring people together decades later.

While visitors to the exhibition dive into discovering the folds of the event and its entertainment activities, visitors are given an exploration trip to the cities of the future that are able to meet the needs of their residents, through contemporary strategies that are very clever and short.

smart cities

Among the most prominent experiences of the pavilions dealing with the experiences of smart cities of the future, is the experience of the distinctive Poland pavilion, which embodies a wooden structure resembling trees, with a sculpture that mimics the movement of birds in their journeys. Through a piece of art you can talk to, and see the materials used to build the cities of the future.

Through an interactive learning experience, the “Future City Lab” at the Germany Pavilion imagines how cities will function in the coming decades, by witnessing the reflective walls and ceilings of urban expansion, the ever-increasing city population, and energy supply solutions of the future, which transport visitors to a complex urban landscape.

India is joining this trend, by listing the missions of smart cities, and the urban agenda to make smarter and more sustainable cities, through the economic power of South Asia.

All-digital cities

In parallel with the experiences of sustainable cities, the Estonia pavilion, lit with more than 400 “neon” lights from the inside, presents the experience of becoming fully “digital cities” in the future, as it takes its visitors and discoverers from the first sight into an integrated world of modern technologies based on data and innovations, and a group of One of the smart ideas and projects that contributed to saving 3% of the GDP annually, making Estonia the first place on the global “cyber” security index.

The country has embodied this digital transformation within its pavilion, by displaying unique real estate transaction models, pedestrian paths, smart traffic lights, voice commands that warn of potential collision risks, air pollution monitoring signs, or technical innovations and programs that have led to the transmission of its government services by 99% over the Internet.

eco-friendly cities

In its interior and exterior designs, the Belgium Pavilion showcases the latest technologies and environmentally friendly applications. Its carbon-free designs have preserved engineering models and exceptional environmentally friendly technologies. The pavilion devotes a wide range of interests to it, whether through lighting and natural ventilation techniques used inside it, or intelligent control of the interior. water and harnessing the renewable energy contained in it.

Through the pavilion's intelligent mobility experiences, it is possible to examine how artificial intelligence can be used to help solve pressing problems of our time, through intelligent interactive experiences that visitors and the pavilion share with, to visualize the cities of the future.

From the outside, the pavilion's architecture is based on a vertical garden of 10,000 species of plants, which are capable of absorbing up to 35 tons of carbon dioxide and converting it into oxygen, in a "bio-mimetic" of building patterns for new cities and ways to solve complex human problems.

With the theme "Activating Sustainability", the Malaysian pavilion at the exhibition embraces cities of the future and strategies to reduce carbon emissions through its completely zero-emissions experience.

green cities

Sweden's innovative pavilion, within the "sustainability zone", is a realistic approach to sustainability efforts and the call to adapt to nature, as it provides the visitor with the opportunity to "walk" in the northern forests, through a wide range of tall tree trunks, shipped directly from Sweden to be a living witness to the engineering style Sweden for its cities, ways to innovate life sciences and promote the green economy, while the pavilion includes from the inside open and spacious areas, similar to green spaces, natural plateaus, extended forests and giant trees, and its buildings based on tree poles that embody the style and vision of the innovative State of Sweden for the smart city that triumphs for life in Rehab nature.

Economic Cities

In the Guinea Pavilion, visitors can take an active role in redirecting billions of cubic meters of surface and groundwater to people in Guinea, and improving their access to it. On sustainable housing that is more resilient in the face of climate changes and combines inherited methods with modern technologies.

dream cities

From smart homes to modern agricultural technologies, the China Pavilion is characterized by many pioneering innovations, which invite visitors to discover China's achievements in the field of information technology and modern transportation, especially the high-speed railway model, artificial intelligence, the latest 5G technologies, and space exploration, which In it, China translates its dream of building a "land", a "homeland" and a "common future" for humanity.