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November 13, 2021 After 6 months from the completion of the vaccination cycle "there is a sharp decrease in the vaccine efficacy in preventing diagnoses in all age groups.

In general, on the whole population, vaccination efficacy passes from 76% in the vaccinated with a full cycle within six months compared to the unvaccinated, 50% in the vaccinated with a full cycle beyond six months compared to the unvaccinated ". The Istituto Superiore di Sanità notes this in the extended weekly report published today.

The protection after 6 months from severe disease is still decreasing, but less evident: "In fact, a decrease in vaccination efficacy of about 10 percentage points is observed, since the efficacy for vaccinated people with a complete cycle of less than six months is equal to 92% compared to the unvaccinated, while it is equal to 82% for the vaccinated with a complete cycle for over six months compared to the unvaccinated ".

As for hospitalizations, those among the unvaccinated are 7 times higher than those vaccinated for less than six months and 6 times higher than those vaccinated for over six months. Finally, among the over 80s, deaths among the unvaccinated are 10 times higher against those vaccinated within six months and 6 times higher against those vaccinated for more than 6 months.

Rasi: The third dose may be the last

The third dose of the anti Covid vaccine could be the last, if new variants of the SarsCoV2 virus do not emerge: microbiologist Guido Rasi, consultant to the Covid Emergency Commissioner Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, says "optimistic" about it.

Speaking on the Radio1 program 'Saturday too', on the third dose Rasi said: "It would seem to emerge that it could really be the last".

Many immunologists estimate that the traditional cycle is that of three doses "because these" are a complete cycle for the immune system, which stabilizes the immunological memory.

If the variants of the virus remain these, we may be done here.

I am among the optimists. "