• Green pass, directive of the Interior Ministry: the stop to demonstrations in sensitive areas is in force

  • Warning on Saturday for the No vax processions in the square in Milan and Rome

  • Green pass.

    Searches for threats to journalists during demonstrations


November 13, 2021 Today the first demonstrations against the green pass after the directive of the Interior Ministry to contain marches and sit-ins. From Trieste to Milan to Rome for now, the situation is under control.

Demonstration in Rome at the Circus Maximus

In 1,500 people in the "high risk" square of gatherings. The provisions of the directive also include that on the mandatory use of masks during public events of this kind and on interpersonal distancing. But the masks at the Circus Maximus are almost invisible.

In front of the stage mounted on the side of via dei Cerchi, some representatives of the movement parade who say: "We are not revolutionaries, we are conservatives of our freedoms and today we gather in many Italian squares. We do not say" no green pass ", but" via green pass ". Let's not give in to provocations but make a hymn to life. We are the wave movement that will change the reality of things". Protesters display placards and banners, tricolor flags and blue and white balloons. "We are the people of the squares of Italy", finally reads a printed message. "Freedom for our brothers", says another accompanied by the Tricolor by the exponents of Forza Nuova for those arrested after the clashes of 9 October last.  

"Hands off the children". So two mothers at the megaphone during the no green pass protest in progress at the Circus Maximus. Aurora, a child who is the symbol of all children, was brought up on stage and a minute of silence was observed. "If the state had told us this vaccine is not safe but it is the only choice we have, perhaps we would have done it," added the mothers. 

Events in Trieste and Gorizia

The prefect of Trieste Annunziato Vardè, in implementation of the directive of the Minister of the Interior Luciana Lamorgese of 10 November, identified "specific sensitive city areas, of particular interest for the orderly development of community life, temporarily forbidden to hold public events ". The identification was carried out at the end of the meetings of the Provincial Committee for public order and safety which were held in the prefecture on 12 and 13 November. 

Among the off-limits areas is the port area which includes the areas facing the gates 1 and 4 of access to the new Port of Trieste. The provision - specifies the prefecture - will enter into force on November 15 and will be valid until December 31 2021, unless extended



about 150 people are currently present at the no green pass protest and according to what has been learned, the arrival of demonstrators from Trieste by train is expected. "Trieste too - a protester told LaPresse - shares the battle we are waging in Gorizia, which we must do throughout Italy and all over the world against this discrimination for those who are not vaccinated. I am of the idea that freedom is sacrosanct ". 

Events in Milan

"Certainly there are some fears, on the other hand it is also difficult to make predictions, we will be careful, let's see. We will have to enforce the rules, but I know it will not be easy. It will be difficult to say other things first, we will see how the afternoon and the evening". This was stated by the mayor of Milan Giuseppe Sala on the sidelines of the debate 'Against bipopulism' organized as part of the Linkiesta Festival, regarding the demonstrations against the green pass scheduled for this afternoon. Any protest, which would arrive for the seventeenth consecutive weekend, should be subject to the new rules drawn up yesterday by the Provincial Committee for order and safety which establish, in the event of a notified event, that the organizers assume responsibility for compliance with the law. anticovid.

As for the unannounced events, they will be allowed only in static form. In addition, from today, on the days before holidays and holidays, as well as on all days between November 25 and January 9, the area of ​​Piazza Duomo, including Corso Vittorio Emanuele, is reserved for religious and civil and cultural events. , commercial and entertainment programs planned or sponsored by the Municipality of Milan.

Thousands of people arrived in the Arco della Pace square in Milan for the demonstration against the vaccine that protects against Covid promoted by Robert Kennedy jr, third son of Bob Kennedy and nephew of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, and by his Children's Health Defense association.

The protesters, gathered and without masks, chant no green pass chants such as "people like us never give up" or "hands off the children" and display banners with the words "we arrived free on this earth and free we will go home" .