• Eitan case, Tel Aviv court: the child returns to Italy.

    Maternal grandparents ready to appeal

  • Eitan, the stages of a tragedy


November 11, 2021 The Tel Aviv District Court rejected the appeal filed by Shmuel Peleg's lawyers against the first instance sentence in favor of Aya Biran, paternal aunt of the little survivor of the Mottarone tragedy.

It is learned from the lawyers of the Biran family. "Eitan Biran - reads the sentence, released by the Biran - was kidnapped from Italy to Israel and must return to his usual place of residence in Italy".

Paternal family lawyers: "Let's hope it's the last step"

Satisfaction from the lawyers of the Biran family, Shmuel Moran and Avi Chimi, who said they welcomed the district court's ruling: "And we hope - they added - that this is the last step before Eitan returns to his family and his home in Italy ".

On the part of the family of his grandfather, Shmuel Peleg, regret the sentence: "Eitan - said the spokesman of the family, Gadi Solomon - is an Israeli and Jewish child whose relatives would have liked him to grow up and be educated in Israel".

The Peleg family's lawyers are studying the possibility of appealing to the Supreme Court.