This is the third time in the party's history that this has happened.

In 1945, Mao Zedong needed to strengthen his position after internal strife in the leadership.

In 1981, Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening policies were consolidated, formally ending the Cultural Revolution.

And so now, when Xi Jinping is to be written into the history books as one of the great leaders.

The final goal of the meeting, which began on Monday at the Jingxi Hotel west of Tiananmen Square, is for the nearly 400 delegates to adopt a joint statement on the history of the Communist Party - and thus China - over the past hundred years.

That history writing also draws development lines that guide future choices.

Common prosperity

The focus of politics in the coming decade is likely to be to increase common prosperity, a campaign that Xi launched this summer and is now mentioned in all his speeches.

It is broadly about reducing the economic gaps and meeting the demographic challenges by making it easier to have more children.

The concept also includes an increased focus on common values, ie the values ​​of the Communist Party.

"The re-election of Xi as party secretary for another term is expected in a year at the party congress and until then, the cult of personality around him is only expected to grow," said Wu Qiang, a former academic at Tsinghua University.

He is one of the few who today openly dares to criticize China's leadership and who has therefore been forced to leave his teaching job.

Growing personal cult

The state news agency Xinhua writes in a post on Twitter that Xi Jinping is "a man with determination and drive, a man with deep thoughts and feelings" and when SVT talks to people in the city, they join the tribute choir.

The Chinese intellectuals who usually call for change and demands for reforms that liberalize society have become rather unpopular.

- How can you not like the leader of your country.

We are safe here and we have no major spread of corona, says Qiao, who sells old Mao paintings in Panjiayuan's antique market.