Because crying relieves stress, and because it is such a wonderful exercise when it comes to maintaining mental health, Japanese people believe so strongly in the health benefits of crying that some cities in Japan now have crying clubs called "rui katsu", which literally means "looking for tears."

Studies of different types of tears have found that emotional tears contain higher levels of stress hormones than basal tears, or reflex tears that form when something gets into your eyes.

Emotional tears contain more mood-regulating manganese than other types.

Although crying is a normal human response, some women feel embarrassed when they cry in the work environment, as an emotional response to frustration, stress, conflict, feelings of control, injustice, intense exhaustion, or deep passion.

Why do you have to stop crying?

It's normal to cry in a group, but I don't advise my patients to cry in a business meeting or at work, says Judith Orloff, MD, professor of clinical psychiatry at UCLA and author of Emotional Freedom: Free Yourself from Negative Emotions and Change Your Life.

This may be seen as weakness, instead, Orloff suggests finding a place where you can cry in privacy.

According to a study published in (Journals) in 2018, researchers who studied how professional women were evaluated by their colleagues, when they were crying at work, as weak, unprofessional or manipulative, even though the crying was due to a specific circumstance i.e. they They struggle with difficult situations at work, or personal issues at home.

How do you stop crying at work?

“For those who want to understand how to stop themselves from crying at work, we mainly focus on how to translate managing their emotions into Greater confidence in themselves and greater assertiveness in interacting with others.

In her article on Psychology Today, Wilding offers 9 ways to stop yourself from crying at work and gain the composure needed to perform at your best.

control your body

Crying is usually an emotional response to stress. When you experience an emotional situation, your brain releases neurochemicals like cortisol and adrenaline, so crying is your body's way of trying to bring itself back into balance.

According to Wilding, you can achieve calm without shedding tears by controlling your breathing.

It may sound simple, but it is scientifically proven that controlled breathing reduces stress and returns you to a state of balance.

You can try box breathing, which involves taking a deep breath for a count of four, holding it for a count of four, exhaling for a count of four, and holding the breath for a count of four.

Repeat 3 times.

Move your head up a little, as this helps take your focus away from the immediate source of your tears (Free Beek)

Get rid of your anxiety

If you know you're about to get involved in a situation where you could get emotionally affected, bring an object like a small stress ball, a medal, or a small stone with you, so that you can press or play with it whenever you feel stressed.

Your body needs a way to deal with and get rid of stress, and that way it's through the thing in your hands, not your eyes.

ice water cup

Keep a glass of ice water by your side and drink it while you feel the tears about to fall, as this lowers your body temperature, which rises when you become emotional.

It also gets rid of the lump in the back of the throat.

look up

Move your head up a little, because this helps to take your focus away from the direct source of your tears, and it cuts the flow of tears and collects them so that they do not run on your face.

Detach yourself from the situation

This is a successful old tactic, just ask for 5 minutes to gather your thoughts and get out of the room.

If you're on a video call, get out or move out of your seat and move to a different location, where a quick change of scenery creates distance between you and your reactions.

Detach yourself from the situation, just take 5 minutes to collect your thoughts and get out of the room (pixels)

Focus your attention on something different

Right before the tears flow, you're probably trapped inside your head, worried that others will see your tears and that it might underestimate you.

Instead of getting shy or overly preoccupied with your crying, think of something completely different, imagine the happiest moment in your life or remember something else to twist the situation in your mind so that you don't get negatively affected and your tears fall down.

Watch the play from afar

You can follow the well-known strategy of "watching from the balcony", which is to imagine yourself standing on a balcony overlooking the situation, as if you were watching a play from afar, this completely separates you from the situation and sees it as a neutral third party.

Try some physical tricks

You can use some physical tricks such as pinching part of your skin between your thumb and forefinger, or pressing your tongue against the roof of your mouth.

Accept your already fallen tears

Sometimes you can't and shouldn't hold back the tears.

Crying indicates that you have mental and emotional depth, so you shouldn't feel sorry for your reaction.