The Awareness Act published a report presenting a study in which it was stated that most intelligent people do not perceive themselves as intelligent, while non-intelligent people often have an inflated sense of intelligence.

The study referred to what the English poet William Shakespeare said, "A fool thinks he is wise, but a wise man knows that he is a fool."

She added that one could argue that a person who doubts their intelligence is likely to be of higher intelligence, saying that this is an interesting concept, and even more exciting is the fact that this theory is supported by a study by Cornell University.

If you're still not convinced, there are some other scientifically backed indicators that prove that you're smarter than you might think.

you own a cat

In 2014, a study was conducted on 600 undergraduate students;

It aims to compare the intelligence of dog lovers versus the intelligence of cat lovers.

According to the results of the study, cat lovers scored higher than dog lovers on measures of intelligence.

According to one study, cat lovers scored higher than dog lovers in intelligence measures (Al-Jazeera)

you are creative

According to Dr. Katie Davis, a clinical neuropsychologist, creativity is a definitive sign of intelligence.


Because it requires us to think in a more flexible way, allowing us to change our perspectives and thought patterns.

Thinking in a more flexible way allows us to change our perspectives and thought patterns (Getty Images)

You are curious

In a major study conducted by Goldsmiths University of London, curiosity is intrinsically linked to intelligence.

And how we nurture our curiosity plays a major role in our cognitive development.

Curiosity plays a major role in our cognitive development (Getty Images)

You are talking to yourself

While most would consider self-talk to be crazy, it is a sign of intelligence.

Psychologists Paloma Marie Piva and Alexander Kirkham of Bangor University conducted a study on this topic, and their research found that speaking out loud provides a great sense of self-control.

Self-control is a form of intelligence in a very important way, and thus they concluded that talking to oneself out loud is linked to intelligence.

Study finds that people who work in untidy environments are motivated to be more creative (Pixabe)

You are messy

The journal Psychological Science published a study that found that those who work in untidy environments are motivated to be more creative.

To reach this conclusion, participants were asked to devise unusual uses for a ping-pong ball.

Those who worked in neat rooms came up with far fewer ideas for the ball, while those who worked in a messy room came up with more.