Crime and segregation became a major issue in Magdalena Andersson's installation speech.

"I do not hesitate for a second to continue sharpening the penalties," she said, describing how organized crime and criminal gangs are taking over parts of society.

Obviously, Magdalena Andersson has concluded that this is where the election next year can be decided and that the Social Democrats need to advance their positions on that issue.

A concrete proposal she presented in her speech was about stricter requirements for receiving financial assistance, what was previously called social benefits.

Those who receive financial assistance must be forced to learn Swedish or work a certain number of hours a week.

Risks new squeak

Of course, the Social Democrats have previously been in on these thoughts, but not as clearly.

And that the Moderates are pursuing similar proposals does not seem to bother Magdalena Andersson.

Nor that the Danish Social Democrats did the same.

Judging by the speech, Magdalena Andersson is now gaining room for maneuver to continue sharpening policy in these areas.

It can create a new squeak with the partner the Green Party, but also for another party the Social Democrats can become dependent on: the Left Party.

Even within one's own party, there can be criticism if the policy approaches the Moderates and the Sweden Democrats too much.

On the other hand, history is filled with parties and politicians who, through triangulation, have succeeded in conquering or retaining power.

Tributes to construction workers and assistant nurses

But sharpened policies against crime and segregation were not the only main message in Magdalena Andersson's installation speech.

Another was her position as a Social Democrat.

There, the speech also became strikingly ideological.

She spoke at length about how she believes the Social Democratic ideology has won the battle against market liberalism and deregulation.

She questioned companies and venture capitalists who take large profits from school and welfare.

At the same time, she praised construction workers and assistant nurses and their work.

It was clear how she in her speech tried to carve out an image of herself as a classic gray sauce, which is somewhat to the left in economic policy.

Harder pinches than Löfven

Intressant var att hon inte på något ställe i sitt installationstal hänvisade till Olof Palme, vilket socialdemokratiska partiledare brukar göra när de talar på en partikongress. I stället hänvisade Magdalena Andersson till en annan socialdemokratisk partiledare hon kanske känner större samhörighet med, Göran Persson. Också detta en signal om vad som kan komma om och när hon tar plats i Rosenbad.

For now, she must also deliver political results.

As you know, it is not enough to give political speeches.

And here there are potential obstacles, not least among the co-operation parties in the Riksdag.

Both they and the government ministers will also experience a Social Democratic party leader who is not only much straighter, more confident and clearer in communication than his representative.

If she becomes prime minister, the prime minister will also have a boss who has much harder pinches and learns to make tougher demands on results than Stefan Löfven.