Serving combat effectiveness is the first mission of military scientific research workers

  "In the darkest time before dawn, the beeps of the radio waves are always so rushing. The protagonist Li Xia's generous face made me cry..." Recently, Ding Guoru, an associate professor of the Army Engineering University, went to see our country. The first black-and-white-to-color restoration feature film "The Wave That Never Gone".

In Ding Guoru's view, the classics are never out of date. To revisit the classics is to draw spiritual nourishment from them and strive to be a good new successor of the "radio wave".

  Young, energetic, willing to study...Speaking of Ding Guoru, many people commented this way.

As a teaching and research worker in the communications field, Ding Guoru has focused on the electromagnetic spectrum as a national strategic space for many years, has the courage to explore and innovate, devotes himself to teaching and research, and has achieved academic results with international influence and application results in service preparation for war.

Recently, he was named as a "National Upgrading and Good Youth" by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.

  "You can see far when you climb high. The top of scientific research is the commanding heights of winning future wars. If the military wants to win the opportunity on the battlefield in the future, they must not give the insurance rope of mountaineering to outsiders!" Ding Guoru just started to work. When he was in the post, Wang Jinlong, his mentor and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, urged him like this.

  As a young scientific researcher, Ding Guoru secretly determined that he must target the peak of science and technology to launch an impact.

He set his sights on the "no man's land" in the field of international communications research-the intersection of nonlinear signal processing and machine learning.

  "Guo Ru, this topic is very challenging, and some aspects of research are still blank. Is it too advanced? Do you want to do some familiar work first?"

  "Non-linear signal processing methods also need to be integrated into machine learning. There is no precedent in the world. I am afraid it is difficult to do it?"

  Colleagues around him kindly persuaded him, but Ding Guoru firmly believed that many scenes in reality are non-linear, so this cross-field research must have great application prospects in military electromagnetic engineering.

  Checking information, finding data, doing deductions... Ding Guoru spent more than a month devoting himself to the authoritative works in the field, and recorded thousands of pages of notes on his computer.

Afterwards, he plunged into the laboratory, repeated mathematical reasoning and experimental simulation verification, and finally opened up the engineering application path of mathematical nonlinear processing and machine learning in the field of electromagnetic spectrum.

  "Modern warfare has become more intelligent and informatized. The electromagnetic spectrum is the nerve line of the battlefield. The interconnection of aircraft, tanks, ships and other equipment with the command post must be through electromagnetic waves." In Ding Guoru's view, electromagnetic waves are equivalent to ours. Water and air in daily life are the basic elements of the battlefield.

  Thanks to their unremitting efforts over the years, Ding Guoru and his team have achieved fruitful results in some original and forward-looking research, and formed some unique advantages, which have been fully recognized by academic circles at home and abroad.

  "If you want to achieve'continuous breakthroughs', you must have an indomitable accumulation. If you want to achieve'good hands and chances', you must go all out to explore hard!" Not long ago, the school's 2021 Teacher's Day Commendation At the "Chinese Gardener" advanced typical story meeting, Ding Guoru told his own mental journey.

  From the beginning of his PhD study, academician Wang Jinlong, his supervisor, often warned Ding Guoru, “Military science and technology workers must stand upright. The top priority is to be at the forefront in theory; Urgent use in warfare.” The teacher’s instructions made Ding Guoru not slacken his efforts. He often said, “As an army scientific researcher, you must regard the generation of combat effectiveness as your first mission and responsibility.”

  In 2018, as a member of the first batch of military cadres in the Army's academies and scientific research institutions, he voluntarily invited Ying to come to a synthetic brigade. He served in a number of positions from private to deputy battalion commander, and even drove tanks.

  He fumbled with the officers and soldiers, everyone likes to call him "Professor".

Ding Guoru said: "Every time I hear them call them this way, I have a sense of mission in my heart, "We must do something for them."

  During a training session during the replacement period, a soldier with the tank asked Ding Guoru expectantly: "Professor, the tank is training on the mountain. Why is the radio communication unavailable? Can you help us solve this problem?"

  Ding Guoru knew that this situation was caused by the terrain.

"How to solve it? Can drone relay be used as the direction to solve the signal propagation problem in complex terrain environment?" After returning to university, he discussed his ideas with the experts in the teaching and research section. The team members felt this idea. very good.

  After the target was determined, everyone was full of energy, and Ding Guoru and his colleagues were in close communication with the troops while consulting information.

In the past three years, Ding Guoru and his team visited various theater mission forces. Through trial and error, demonstration and improvement, this subject has become one of their most fruitful research fields, and has won multiple national and military-level scientific research awards. The application of technology transformation to actual combat has effectively improved the combat effectiveness of the troops.

  Yun Li Xiao Li Song Li Huan Source: China Youth Daily