It happens that the press is on the scene in front of the police when an apartment is to be searched or an arrest warrant is to be carried out.

It is not just politicians who pierce information - for them it is basically part of the requirement profile and mostly concerns internal rather than state internal matters.

But also tax offices, security authorities and even the judiciary are not hermetically sealed rooms with loyal and incorruptible employees.

However, these are exceptions, mostly limited to cases that are of great public interest.

The fact that the former vegan celebrity chef Hildmann, who describes himself as an ultra-right conspiracy theorist, was apparently informed of an arrest warrant by a (meanwhile dismissed) employee of the Berlin attorney general raises a completely different question: Are there servants of this state who actually want to abolish him ?

Because the threats and delusions of Hildmann have long had nothing to do with criticism of the Corona measures, which anyone can express and which are the subject of political debate.

He lives in his own realm.

One can only hope that German civil servants who want to pay homage to or help someone like him are the absolute exception.